Some of the name and crew i will mention cover almost evrything from reiner to lassange. But the echo chamber in quebec french locality is thicken by their unability to understand english. Exemple: i am here and they arent. Cause they dont understand english! Such a shame cause its not true you lose your culture while learning new culture. Many francophone feel this way trought decades of brainwashing as: le petit quebec. Ici ont prend un petit cafe, des petite marche dans nos petit quartier. L’humilité de petite personnalité, evrything is small thinking/view here so our knowledge follow this pattern. But rest assured, just this week 3 different franco source talk in depth about reiner, 1 today bout assange 👍 ( maybe more. I cant cover all of them)

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We feel the same way about the evil brainwashing of the francophone quebecois

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We definitely gonna have fun saturn day 😁 thats my kinda post ✌️ you are right in my spot today. Who is mister global( if i recall, mister reiner called them mister global too back in the corona committee )

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Good questions!!! A big question for me is also: how to bring the Eng and Fr communities closer - so we know more of each other's concerns and major people. So I would also ask: how much attention is there, in the Fr alternative media, for Assange?

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You are nowhere near understanding who Mr Global or GloboCap might be.

You seem to have become confused by religions and you seem to believe that they are significant. That is a good place to start because all 3 of the Abrahamic religions have been used to conceal the true totalitarian globalist families.

10 years ago I began to research the matter, so I understand how distracting this subject can be. I have compiled my work into Substack articles and recently created an overview, linking essential reading here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101

I hope you find it useful.

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I got a hold of this map trough ramtha and ana mihalcea on a post they made for sovereignty a couple weeks or month ago. Ty! Cauz i didnt knew the author of it. and if there is some left i surely will buy the big format poster. Love it! I am currently watching is walktrough of this mapping. Interresting, and i hope you will be giving ears to my theory over freemasons saturday. I tend to have a view similar to dylan minus the white hats. Cause in my mind, the only white hats are you and me and elsa and the many who works/walks toward truth. The ones so low in the pyramid we could be outside of it…looking at it like now;) janet oosbard and the fall of the kabbal, Q question and all. Good info, like… perfect to rebuild the trust as the w.e.f reversly

Mentionned in their title at davos meeting. My thought resumed fast; i think Q works in tandem with trump, trump, tucker, elon, putin,etc are agents of the good luciferian side that this theater of life push us( the narrative) they all work together towards NWO. I have more faith in my honest brother and sister who can make mistakes than in an association hidden as the others are. having lots of info surely digged up in the yard of the ennemy. Who got access to this yard? Power are switching hands from g7 to brics and the coordination is played in our face in a fabulous manner(ex:tucker putin interview possible by elon owning twitter) that makes me think of arts of war sun tzu. Win without using the swords is a true victory. Well thats it for now and i sincerly hope we will have great conversation together. I am always willing to change my mind if someone can shake me from an illusion 😌

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You: "...i hope you will be giving ears to my theory over freemasons saturday"

Where did one give ears to this? I'm interested in anything that people have to say about :freemasons" controlling the world. My main question is: "Just who are these "freemasons"? I want names of actual people who now exist. Otherwise, it's all hocus-pocus conjecture.

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I can give some more names gladly, franco huard. vice president du clipsas in canada. there is this podcast souslebandeau.ca, thats a freemasons nest. Id also mention leo zagami even if somethinks he is not a real masons, other people confirmed me he is linked. their is a couple one i know in real life i cant shoot their name they arent public figure anyway. Paul bernado was one to, the public drama made by the past with william morgan disapearance did point out a lot of them, nd made the antimaconic party in the u.s.a. Must have been asome good times for the people. i know a couple of their recruiting ways. they pass trought A.A meetings, and sits on key role in desintox to find some potential that are already below, now they only have to raise them above. For this last part i can only say they do this beause i lived the experience of the recruitment (I didnt go) if you curious about the antimaconic parti one of the best lately sen review of it is made by agent131711 here is a link:


here is the freemasons podcast:


heres franco huard


anytime i can help with what i know i will, everytime someone who knows more will guide me i will walk the path with him. and one day, i hope we all get there. where? i dunno yet, where truth lives maybe =)

hope it quentch your curiosity and proves at least the fact that they are real and no hocus pocus. if interested in macons of the past i'd suggest math ereth review over arthur conan doyle and the works of CP an RTF on many other big names. One last thing i could say is , if you see a man being made a knight of something, its probly a freemasons. thats a limited mind thinking but it is a pattern, Sir doyle was made knight and masons, supposedly the goal of a good masons is to be made knight. So thats a start, check who was made a knight like doyle, and many will follow.

i hope it all makes sense to you and help in your search =)

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My core concern: what do we do?

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Well, im a cheerful fellow. So first keep hope, secondly, enjoy evry moments like it is indeed unique(gift in french is present)here is a fun positive traduction for our French/english futur casting. thirdly keep studying ,learning , and stir the soul back on the truth path.

evry time we drop a knee… we got two choice. Rise up or lay down. As soon as my sons were born on this earth i knew i’d always aim to rise up. For those who arent bestowed by the gift of devoted altruism that caring for their children gives to humans… do like peterpan crew and find the little sparks that lift your soul and made the kids fly in the movie. We dont really know whats behind the occult, are we in a virtual matrix world? Are we all one soul or many distinct one? Are the arts and archeological records really that old as roch sauquerre present different perspective, is nasa all fake? Is the coming of christ a end, a start, or a story told to name the cycle of life? Is humans master of their life or is it elohim ruling them? Its all so far away…

these info if we could only have the truth extract it could guide our foot in the futur.

So meanwhile, we do what we do now in substacks,like our ancestor did back then in agora synagogue temple church and even campfire for the none abrahamik religion. we learn share and grow. Thats really why i hate having to filter amongst the falsehood to find the meaningfull teaching. And thats also why i join TRUTH summit at first☺️ and for whom you got me in touch ill be ever gratefull.

Your question started this song in my jukebox part of me brain:

-change the world eric clapton

And we cant change it, but we can always clean our house grow our garden and plant more seed.

With enough work from us all 2gether, i hope it will change itself in a far away futur

Thats what mostly evryone wants but in different way, judging witch 🧙(hehe) philosophy is the right one is a lot of the division cause as much in politic than in religions roots.

Lucky i got a no work day today to write this much 😅

Hope it cheers some people up✌️

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Hi Frances, I am well aware of the global predators, as brilliantly delineated in Political Ponerology. I am also aware of what I call cosmic forces, including evil ones.

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Ah well, at least I tried.

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Sometimes gotta try the same goal in a diffrent approach. If you want to crystalize a tought keep pushing it. Like starting the same hypothesis but with something less brutal like; u r nowhere near understanding

(kinda harsh)


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That's all we can do! All the best.

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"I don’t know nearly enough." That's pretty clear from reading this essay. And yet you now want to "exit this particular swamp." Wouldn't it be irresponsible of you to exit a subject while you are still introducing yourself to it?

As I understand it, the term, Kazarian mafia, is sometimes used to identify Jews who descend from the Khazars. The Khazars are Turkic-speaking tribes who inhabited the region now known as Ukraine. The head chiefs of these tribes was pressed into choosing between Christianity, Islam and Judaism. He chose Judaism and the Khazarian people followed his example or dictate. The descendants of these Jewish converts, who are mostly of European ancestry with some Turkic traits, identify themselves as Ashkenazi.

Don't be discouraged Elsa. You have found your way into a strategically vital topic that is largely evaded by career-orientated thinkers and commentators who face harsh recriminations for even raising these topics. Such recriminations extend from being smeared in the media and losing jobs to being criminalization and jailed. Who has the power to impose these kinds of recriminations?

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I've noticed your comments on various stacks. Thumbs upped more than one.

As I see it, the Jews who directly descended from the Khazars are the Mountain Jews, a faitly small group. The ones who identify as Ashkenazi are a hybrid of long standing German Jews and Jews from the Pale of Settlement. Ashkenazi means German not Turkic or Khazar. Their birth language is Yiddish which is German by vocabulary and Turkic by structure. That story about the Khan choosing Judaism to get the Byzantines and Muslims off their backs is fictional.

This article explains it well. Scroll down to the Khazar Chimera section near the end. https://www.unz.com/article/lev-gumilev-and-the-khazar-chimera/

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Hi Billy Thistle. I used to publish on Unz but Ron's condemnation of "anti-vaxx crackpottery" put an end to our collaboration. Naming the Tribe is pretty necessary, even if sometimes daunting these days. Thanks for commenting and contributing.

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I've read and listened to a bunch of stuff. I notice that many people use the term, Khazarian Mafia, as a cover for anti-Semitism. I've liked something I've heard recently re that Mafia - and definitely not confusing it with people who identify as Jewish or even with all people from that area. Can't remember the source. Figuring out what's real - not easy. Re "brith language" - huge changes there, with Hebrew being the birth language of many who come from parents who are in Israel and English being the birth language of many from parents living in North America.

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Elsa: you are right about the khazar myth being a cover for anti-semitism. The "facts" purporters claim, don't add up in any way. Sephardics and ashkenazi intermarry and don't have any real distinction among themselves, so when non-Jews make claims that one group is authentic and another not, it's silly. Watch this which is a very accurate summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OymtXjNviQ

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I am watching - lots of very interesting information. I have also found more information, not linked to anti-Semitism. I need to pull that together.

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Dear Elsa,

I am your friend and I am Jewish of a traditional strain, not a fake Jew but a true blue practicing religious Jew who has some grounding in religious Jewish traditions. Your quest is a common one. The quest to understand what the hell is going on in this world. The problem of good and evil has bedevilled mankind throughout history. We jews believe that, if you want to understand what the hell is going on, study Torah and and Jewish commentaries on Torah, that go back five thousand years. The Talmud is a composite of commentaries predating the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. The Jerusalem Temple is first mentioned in the Torah as the Tabernacle to be constructed in the dessert. The Tabernacle was replaced by the Temple in Jerusalem and the Temple in Jerusalem has been replaced in our own time by the simple synagogue, any synagogue quorum of ten men who study Torah and its multiple messages. Every single time we take out the Torah in every synagogue around the world, we chant "She is a "tree of life" to all who hold her dear."

When a Roman soldier approached our sage Hillel in the 1st century BC as to whether Hillel could teach him the whole of the Torah while standing on one leg, he replied, "Yes! Don't do unto others what you would not have others do unto you! - The rest is commentary - Now go and study (Torah)!

The jewish way is to believe that as G-d creates peace in the Heavens so he teaches us to create Peace in this world: And peace, wholeness, shalom is the ultimate good, the ultimate emblem of the Jewish God and the goal is to bring Peace with a capital "P" to the whole world. That is the Jewish task and mission. The Devil is in the details! And the details as to how it is to be done are in the Torah itself. That is why the most implant mitzvah, commandment is not to pray but to study Torah!

The Torah is an open book to all who wish to study it.

Sefaria is a site that has published all of the major Jewish works and commentaries to the Web:

Chabad.org is another reliable site to explore any questions about Jews or Judaism, beliefs, holidays etc.

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Thank you, Abigail, for this full answer. I know you are someone always studying and learning.

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Contact me if you want to begin to study Torah.

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Thank you for the offer. My sense is there are many paths. In fact, I just interviewed a rabbi yesterday for my next Truth Summit, and in our talk after the interview that is something he brought up.

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Here is someone else who has embarked on a life of learning:


Rabbi Miriam Green Potok: Daughter of Hippies, She Grew Up to Be a Rabbi

Entering the rabbinate without having a religious background is a daunting prospect, one that could be intimidating. Not to Rabbi Potok.

The Torah is an open book, available to anyone who is opne to it, not just Jews...

I nvite you too to study torah,

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A life of learning - so important for all of us. I was just reading a piece on Bonhoeffer (the German pastor killed by Hitler right at the end of World War II). You are always learning where you are pulled to learn. So am I. So far, I have not been pulled to heard deeply about any religion, though connecting to the spiritual/cosmic is of importance to me, and though I see that what is happening relates to the forces of good and evil, human and spiritual.

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Here are some interesting articles that discuss both Illuminati and Khazars/Khazarians.

I have no opinion on the matter, as to whether they are Jews, fake Jews, or simply other peoples from around the world. Enjoy and I appreciate your article.




Librarian read Matt’s article and commented:

“ I have come to the opposite conclusion. The Great Silk Road was a game of the oligarchs. The only thing you could ship across Asia on a 200 day, one-way trip were luxury goods. All people from Rome onward were infected by lice. Silk is a finely woven fabric that would block out the lice. When we hear the word silk, we think of the beautiful colors and designs, and the rich people who wanted to have these artistic-things. Nothing of the sort. I totally doubt there was any color at all to the raw silk of this trade.

SILK WAS A TAX! on the Chinese peasants. 50 million Chinese peasants got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the silk trade. The Chinese rulers started giving silk to the Steppe Tribes for better horses. The Chinese horses were almost like mules, and could not win a battle against the high bred horses of the steppes, even if they outnumbered them by many times over.

The steppe people (I don't say which ones, because Huns, Turks, Mongols, they all kept this going). They had so much silk they were making Yurts out of it, then they discovered they could sell it to the Mesopotamian kings. The silk started moving west from there, trading hands in a long chain of the trade route.

What went in the other direction? Rich furs from Eastern and Northern Europe were shipped to the east.

FURS WERE A TRIBUTE TO KIEVAN RUS. The hunter trappers got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from their furs nor from the silk trade route. It was a rich man's game in which they transformed free tributes into riches. To say that this trade brought peace to the world is more than distorted. It brought continuous war: because Slavic tribes had to be conquered annually to force them to pay more tribute.

That totally ignores the SLAVE TRADE. This trade had high and low periods but it started around 200 AD and didn't really end until 1,400 AD. Americans think only of black Africa, Not At All. Slaves were captured all over Eastern Europe and from the Slavic Tribes. The sequence was "make a battle" with someone you could easily beat. KILL every living male. Capture all the women and sell them into gang-rape brothels. Capture all the children and sell them as slaves.


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Now I have read your full post - I had not noticed that I could expand. I believe your story - just gut level it feels right. Matt's stuff - it never feels right, as Paul Gregory demonstrates quite amply.

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Agreed. Got to keep one eyeball on the moving target with Matt.

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Love the subatack name: the imaginary hobgoblin. Lots of those!!!

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How about BC’s ‘Absurdistan’ by Elizabeth Nickson. This post turned my stomach upside down.


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Thank you. Same here - no opinion. My focus, after an exploration to understand what was being talked about by "The Khazarians" returned to the current situation, while recognizing the importance of roots and currents.

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I’ve really enjoyed reading Librarian’s postings. So educational, especially as we sort through the current genocide of innocents we’re witnessing.

Amazing the amount of Canadians that post on sub stack. With the CoV happening as well, they really stepped up the writing/informing. I recently completed Dr. Bridle’s online vaccinology course. He’s out of the Toronto area I believe Dr Makis (Edmonton) also has been out there


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