SUMMING UP. Mr Global, the Banking Cartel, Khazarian Mafia, Erez Rav, the Illuminati, the Freemasons. WHO IS IT?
Who is it? In my opinion, who is running the show? The shots and mandates, the theft of trillions, the geoengineering (sky spraying) that could lead to the death of most if not all life on the planet?
Is it Mr Global, the Banking Cartel, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Bilderberg group, the Khazarian Mafia, the Erez Rav, the Sabbatean-Frankist cult? Some combination?
If you’re like I was a couple of weeks ago, you have no idea who some of these groups are.
This is, I believe, my final summation - my exiting this particular swamp.
I’ve become familiar, mainly over the past couple of years, with the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Bilderberg group, Mr Global, the Banking Cartel, the Vatican. I’ve learned of secret and not-so-secret signals.
A few weeks ago, I learned about a very nasty group of fake Jews who supposedly exist: the Khazarian Mafia. Thanks to a learned Jewish friend, I also came to learn about another group of nasty fake Jews, the Erez Rav - non-Jews who fake-converted for love, lust or money.
According to a video I was sent, there are Biblical references to the Erez Rav. But what about at present? For example, I’ve heard it claimed that the current Israeli government - which pushed the dangerous injections on Israelis - is made up of Erez Rav - fake Jews, non-Jews.
And then there is the The Sabbatean-Frankist Cult - Jewish heretics:
"Either convert to Islam or die.". This was the choice the Turkish Sultan put to Sabbatai Zevi, self-proclaimed Jewish "Messiah" in 1666. By only pretending to convert, Zevi resorted to a common practice. But Zevi was not an ordinary Jew. He led a popular heresy, based on a satanic strain of Cabalism.
And from that, once again one comes to the claim that the the evil-doers who rule the world are in some way Jewish or fake-Jewish or in this case heretical - KM, Erez Rav, Sabbatean-Frankist. The Sabbatean-Frankist cult is designated, in the article, “the Satanic Cult That Rules the World.”
I looked around carefully. Were claims about the Khazarian Mafia all stemming from Jew-hatred? Many of them were. But all? And what about the Erez Rav? Did this come from Jews wanting to see bad behavior by Jews as coming from non-Jews, fake Jews? I don’t know nearly enough.
So who or what, as best as I can make out, is behind the bad stuff that’s happening?
My first thought was to go with Catherine Austin Fitts. She calls whoever it is Mr Global.
Then a recent photo of the American president came to mind. Biden with a huge red-lit background. With something that looks like a clock above him. I would like to say that his time has run out. So far, it hasn’t. The image, to me, conjures up images of the Satanic. In case you haven’t seen it, I’ll include the image.
A couple of days later I came across photos of Biden’s new monkeypox coordinator. In all of them, he wears a pentangle. I’ll put an image at the end.
So who, or what, do I believe is behind the bad stuff that’s happening? Someone or something or some group that is evil, and associated with Evil. Showing it as blatantly as possible. This is what makes sense to me, from everything I’m seeing.
That evil could be spiritual (such as Satanic), human or alien - or some mixture of the three. I am sure there is a spiritual and a human component. If the goal is to end life on the planet, it makes sense that there is alien involvement.
My final question: what has been my largest learning, over the past 2 years, in terms of who is behind things? 1. That all the roads lead to a very few controlling sources, if it is finances, media, pharma, oil. The names, Vanguard and Blackrock, keep coming up. 2. That there is a Banking Cartel. 3. That a lot of what I have heard, here and there, about the money mogols is right - that they would finance both sides of a war.
Around me I keep seeing ever more corruption and blatant injustices, so much breaking through to the surface.
I think back to a book that touched me in my teens, To Kill a Mockingbird. Such simple good and evil. Evil racism, with a black man sentenced for a crime he did not commit. All that is needed is for the racism to be ended.
I enter the world I see now. Dangerous injections and mandates, the theft of trillions, geoengineering. And dangerous forces behind the events.
Dear Elsa,
I am your friend and I am Jewish of a traditional strain, not a fake Jew but a true blue practicing religious Jew who has some grounding in religious Jewish traditions. Your quest is a common one. The quest to understand what the hell is going on in this world. The problem of good and evil has bedevilled mankind throughout history. We jews believe that, if you want to understand what the hell is going on, study Torah and and Jewish commentaries on Torah, that go back five thousand years. The Talmud is a composite of commentaries predating the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. The Jerusalem Temple is first mentioned in the Torah as the Tabernacle to be constructed in the dessert. The Tabernacle was replaced by the Temple in Jerusalem and the Temple in Jerusalem has been replaced in our own time by the simple synagogue, any synagogue quorum of ten men who study Torah and its multiple messages. Every single time we take out the Torah in every synagogue around the world, we chant "She is a "tree of life" to all who hold her dear."
When a Roman soldier approached our sage Hillel in the 1st century BC as to whether Hillel could teach him the whole of the Torah while standing on one leg, he replied, "Yes! Don't do unto others what you would not have others do unto you! - The rest is commentary - Now go and study (Torah)!
The jewish way is to believe that as G-d creates peace in the Heavens so he teaches us to create Peace in this world: And peace, wholeness, shalom is the ultimate good, the ultimate emblem of the Jewish God and the goal is to bring Peace with a capital "P" to the whole world. That is the Jewish task and mission. The Devil is in the details! And the details as to how it is to be done are in the Torah itself. That is why the most implant mitzvah, commandment is not to pray but to study Torah!
The Torah is an open book to all who wish to study it.
Sefaria is a site that has published all of the major Jewish works and commentaries to the Web: is another reliable site to explore any questions about Jews or Judaism, beliefs, holidays etc.
Some of the name and crew i will mention cover almost evrything from reiner to lassange. But the echo chamber in quebec french locality is thicken by their unability to understand english. Exemple: i am here and they arent. Cause they dont understand english! Such a shame cause its not true you lose your culture while learning new culture. Many francophone feel this way trought decades of brainwashing as: le petit quebec. Ici ont prend un petit cafe, des petite marche dans nos petit quartier. L’humilité de petite personnalité, evrything is small thinking/view here so our knowledge follow this pattern. But rest assured, just this week 3 different franco source talk in depth about reiner, 1 today bout assange 👍 ( maybe more. I cant cover all of them)