ah... David Irving, a great STORY teller (mebbe like that Darryl Cooper?) He's been around FOREVER, but I (for one) cain't buy that Hitler was really "the best friend of the Jews" (seriously? has the man listened to Hitler's speeches too numerous ta list here?!)--oh an' Iriving sez Hitler never intended to have the joos hurt let alone murdered--an' even wanted to PROTECT them! I gotta bridge to sell in Brooklyn--an' folks fellfer that one too! (Irving is a lot like Cooper--who likely lifted from Irving an' lifted from his method too!--cite little or fudge the citations but tell a great story--sigh.) The Holocaust was not just one oversize mistake where no harm was meant but oops, some ran outta food an' got sick (shucks?)...

Elsa, fwis even look at the WickkyPedia page on Irving--he has been de-bunked more times than the boys that grew up next door ta us that kept pushin' each other outta the top bunk beds (lol) cuz none wanted the bottom...

Here's one of many showin' that Irving makes up stuff an' intentionally twists the rest as he compares the original documents with Irving's creative "interpretations":


Irving is popular with the "deniers"... with no offense to his fans, I believe his scholarship re Churchill is just as shoddy--he entertains us (well!) with little of substance (Churchill's booze habits? really?! Stories--possibly apocryphal--of Churchill takin' refuge to avoid the blitz durin' war--er...most leaders do that b/c if THEY are taken out, their country will be...leader-less--an' other such...)--with the total analysis bein' that Churchill should'a let Hitler "make peace" an' have his way (Imho Hitler was a psychopath but to each his own--I don't think those of us that are joos would still be around if Hitler got his "peace"... see how peaceful he was in France, etc.)...

I'd say Caveat Emptor with these "alternate voices"--an' as I say from time ta time when I post something ta the "contrary" -- "respectfully submitted"--best remedy is to keep readin' more an' listenin' to MANY voices ;-)

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Here is a rebuttal of Cooper, who also protrays Churchill very negatively (not related to anything to do with Jews): Cooper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM6b-zogMvs:

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I have now watched the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsLW7VrOpA8. Excellent in the detailed evidence. Re Churchill's War - my interest was Churchill. Do you have a source that takes on what Irving says about Churchill. For instance, it is accurate that Churchill had a number of bombing raids on Berlin before Hitler responded with a bombing raid on London. I got that even from a BBC source. One thing I am glad of: that (as far as I know, anyway) Diana West of American Betrayal was concerned with accuracy, not telling one story or another.

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I will look further. Here are a couple of things I believe I know about Hitler (anyway I have heard this often): that he wanted to find another place for people at least one-quarter Jewish by ancestry. Liberia was one such place, from my memory.

As for twisting Churchill's heavy drinking. Irving's position - which seems plausible from all his quotes - is that other historians are doing the heavy twisting, minimizing his ongoing drunkenness.

I learned a lot from Irving's showing how Churchill goaded Hitler into bombing London. The whole bombing of civilian populations - clearly from Churchill.

I come to the Predators - for whom Churchill seems to have been a fabulous chess piece. Check mate - end of the British Empire.

But I need to learn more.

One thing I appreciate: we both want to understand what is going on, and what did go on.

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Yup! An' I agree with ya that initially Hitler just wanted to "move" da joos--but he wasn't (as Irving says to the insult of some've us) "their best friends & protector"--not given all I've heard an' what he wrote--that's just bunk. The idear of extermination may've been a process--not one "got'cha" an' I BELIEVE the realization came with the Mufti's visit (an' later friendship--i.e. Muslim influence an' idears--of course Mister Mufti had British fundin' tho' not via Churchill).

I'm not sayin' Churchill was a hero--any more than FDR who did lotsa bad stuff too--or any've 'em--but I think that Irving is selective offerin' SOME good pernts but drawing some very biased conclusions.

We kin certainly disagree but I'm just plantin' one seed of caution with some of these "rewriters" of history. I do believe Cooper uses Irving as his unnamed source.

I think there's much we don't know--all the 5 Eyes had connections with dubious folks--an' WWII was (imho) funded by bankers on BOTH sides which smears all the leaders includin' Hitler--blows my mind that jooish bankers among 'em like the Warburgs & Schiffs were fundin' death-to-chews... but then again we have kapo types like Soros. I'm happy ta call out all the rotten eggs ('er perhaps not happy but let's say fully willin' as that's doin' right by history)--I just mistrust Irving as bein' SO keen on trashing Churchill an' elevatin' Hitler.

It's one view--I don't think it should be disregarded--but I do hope watchin' the little clip I sent (it's short) or lookin' further into things will give a better picture. (As for Churchill bein' a drunk--that may be the LEAST of his faults lol). So not paintin' anyone with halos, not him fer sure, just sayin' that Irving is not the soothsayer some say he is (an' that's nearly a tongue twister itself!) Yes, ONWARD to Understanding! (We've all been lied to an' it's frustratin' when some of the truthtellers are liars too!)

fwiw Edwin Black is a great author who has covered America's support of the Nazis--eg. via IBM and the horrifyin' truth 'bout the Transfer Agreement--his scholarship is excellent an' it's well-written, not "stuffy" readin' thankfully!

ps Diana West (if yer in contact) would likely have some good insight on both Irving and on books to recommend fer more info on the entire WWII enchilada

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I will ask Diana whom I've interviewed and for whom I have a lot of respect. I watched the little clip - fantastic!!!! as it shows how Irving twists facts.

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great! (yes, I recall that wonderful "Summit" interview series ya did--she's GREAT)... It's SO hard for us all ta be knowledgeable 'bout SO MUCH (but we try!)... even history--each nation, each detail... anything can be presented in a veritable way an' cain't always tell the tricksters from the troothers an' some are BOTH lol! Even knowin' the harms of these clot shots an' virus vs none, CCP vs USA an' so many rabbit holes is hard! Heck now I don't even trust what's in the sky (some say the sun we see is projected tho' I'm not THAT far gone yet lol)... The good news is now we know we've been misled--the bad nooze is pickin' up the pieces! thx thx again fer all yer truth-seekin'--what a journey we are on!

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Yes, what a journey we are on!!!!!

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Been on a learning binge my entire life and it got more intense in 2020, really appreciate anyone else who shares learning binges! I don't have to agree with everything, that is what FREE SPEECH is for!

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I agree. We don't have to agree on everything - except for the need to dig for truths, share truths. I appreciate all you're doing.

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Ms Elsa, your enthusiasm is lovely.

Regarding pedo stuff and satan, here is a pdf of my book "Deliverance." Each chapter is discreet, so you can bounce around if you want to.


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From your book:

So Who Runs the World?

This book is not about pedophilia, however. It is about the

question of who runs the world and how do they do so. Many

the people at the top are involved in harming children, but not

because they are sexually addicted. I think it’s more like a club

– the members have to do what they are told as a loyalty test.


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Genuinely glad fer yer look into Arthur Firstenberg... his tireless work... thanks ta him I've learned that since electricity (sadly even the ordinary kind) in our homes--humans have had health issues like never before... AND the irony (some say) is that AC messed up up but DC (direct current) would have not caused ANY of the health issues we gots now...

As fer the brilliance of Cooper--I see him as a popular figger like Russell Brand, personable an' able ta tap inta the zeitgeist of the moment an' lead horses ta water...many drink voluntarily!--a young-ish man who gives no footnotes an' just sez he "reads a lot!" (ah' that' works well...) but cannot fer the life of himself cite anything fer his claims (not even on his stack)--it's all in his "brilliant MIND!"--(sigh) but natchurly Tucker says he's the MOST IMPORTANT historian of our times --- listen to him! (An' folks did! Oh my yes they did. Who gives a hoot 'bout scholarship when ya git opinion far more visionary than the far more complex details?)

Cooper-man that sez Hitler never meant to kill joos, only redirect their work to less important positions... ah, ya see, it all wuz a big mistake an' folks judged the man way too harshly. Sure, they ran outta food an' some folks starved or got sick but no harm was ever intended--nope! It just was one unintended "accident." Now, one might ask the Grand Mufti, Hitler's good pal, who suggested the Final Solution---if all those plans were mistaken? Ask Hitler scholars too if Mein Kampf & documentation of Hitler's "Final Solution" were just "pipe-dreams" or false imaginin's???

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Solution (actual document)

An' if ya question Cooper's scholarship 'bout Hitler (I'll say "if" as you an' yer readers may not--) then I'll add that if ya do, why not QUESTION his scholarship 'bout Churchill?

I write all this knowin' many good Christian Germans, some who are in my own fam an' still livin', fought against Hitler--even THEY knew he was a bad guy... Or were the White Rose heros mistaken? Did they die fightin fer the "wrong side?" General Patton would've agreed with Cooper--there y'all go. (Eisenhower said "document it all cuz they'll come to deny it"--boy was he right!)

I don't think Cooper is REALLY doin' Germany any favors in the long run ta reBRAND the man...Hitler, as a well-intended peace-maker whose offerin's of PEACE were smugly refused by the evil Churchill... not in the long run)

Honestly, was Churchill a perfecto guy? No. No way. From all I gather he cheated on his wife an' himself wasn't too fond of "chews." But he was not the rat Cooper describes either. Takin' down heros an' elevatin' psychotic folks is a big thing now tho.

But...was Churchill worse than Hitler, really? Was Ol' Winston' as bad as Cooper portrays him? Nope (from all I've read by serious scholars... far more complicated!). I'll share some links--folks like ta have new stories an' if nothing else Cooper is NEW (shiny, he sparkles)... but all that glitters... Anywho...

Did the Brits have reasons ta drag us Yankees inta WWII? U bet. I'm a paccy-fist but given the situation, I wonder if we had just been all kumbaya at that point an' if Churchill opened his arms to Hitler's "promises" (see how he kept his promises to Poland AND Russia... his actions speakin' louder than words)--yes, what might it had been like if England put down their swords and said YES to Hitler's promises of peace? HOW would it have gone if we'd let Hitler win? (Yes, even with bankers collectin' from both sides...)

Of course not so good fer us choos (Cooper believed otherwise --truly he believe in GOOD INTENTIONS of Hitler!).... but maybe (MAYBE) it would have been so velly good for most of the world? (mmmm.... we've yet ta live under a Thule Society world leader so who knows..? (I say this with irony...but many would agree--they still WISH that Hitler had taken care of "bizness"...an' that Churchill hadn't gotten in his way... sigh...)

So.... was it really true that WWII would not have happened if Churchill accepted that bee-u-tee-ful peace offerin' made by Hitler? Mebbe--but then Hitler would'a won... (also the bankers behind him would'a won either way).

IMHO Cooper's brilliant diggin' is unscholarly--but I'm just a crackpot (lol) so tread carefully 'round the actual scholars... there are many...

a smatterin' of alternate views offered "gently" since it involved some bubble poppin', perhaps, fer the many fans of this Cooper fella:






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I have just read one of your references: https://www.thefp.com/p/niall-ferguson-history-and-anti-history. I have appreciated what I have read of Niall Ferguson. I am out of my league with World War II history. I have read bits here and there - like Diana West's American Betrayal. More work to do.

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yup, there is SO much of this his'ry too, fer each war, fer each "milestone" in history the world over--some "his"story, some her-story, some just... stories!... impossible fer most of us, however avid we are at doin' our homework--to keep up with it all!

Re Diana West--as ya know from yer own series, she's brilliant an' she's "velly" good on the CCP influence in the US.. So regardin' that threat--I'm addin' too then that Mel K (who is also awesome) just did an interview with Trevor Loudon on CCP influence in the US... and why we gotta be aware of it--She did an interview with 2 nyc NYPD guys too--also on CCP influence

Lookin' at her rumble she also has somethin' hopeful on Germany--folks wakin' up there--

CCP Filtration


Germany: (this I didn't give a listen to yet!)


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ps wanna add that I hope my goin' against this newly revealed to the world "pundit" didn't offend anyone--or that my concerns 'bout what he's sayin'--AND his lack of evidence didn't come off as bein' snide as that truly wasn't my intent--but now ('specially now!) we gotta look critically at WHO is bein' promoted--an' by WHOM... Why Tucker makin' this choice? Tucker the personable CIA fella? Why this other guy Cooper with his "barrel" of wares that he's peddlin'--pulled outta nowhere it seems to GREAT prominence... I mentioned he's like Brand (his own brand too!) an' how STRANGE it is that Russell Brand is now ("suddenly") Christian--an' has gained all these new follerz who weren't so keen on his former gnostic woo woo positivity yoga persona. All have appeal--but as y'all know too A-Peel is a skeery nano coverin' fer fruit & veggies APPROVED on organics... something that... got snuck in... ;-) (we all gotta beware a bit)

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So much to beware of!!!

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whatever you can think of , it is way worse, the luciferians have been running the planet for so long we are living in their created world without knowing we are participating in their anti.human rituals, i personally am tired o seeing these scumbag luciferians gaga, jz, beyonce, ect..the list is endless, they started with talent, and the tiny percentage of unknown dark players capitalized on the talent,

" the world is your's if you come over to my side" they sold their souls now get these losers off the stage.....

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It probably is all or almost all true. I have known about Chirchil for quite some time, and about how Hitler at first tried to keep the Bolsjevism out of Germany and then started persecuting ALL the Jews - most of them ignorant and innocent. And how the people behind the screens , Rotschilds, Ford, IBM, and several others, supported both Bolsjevists and Hitler. Money money ! Peace does not make money.

And I decided to let it all go, because it keeps you awake at night and there is nothing you can do. I read first Juri Lima's horror story and then a small booklet of 50 years old, no one dare call it conspiracy - that is in fact all you need to read. It has been going on for 200+ years at least, and some, like Frances Leader, trace it back way further. but does it matter? yes, in a way, it influences all of our lives, because you can barely pass a day or you bang into some - your bank, your grocery, your car... you can do your best to avoid them, the bloodsuckers, but it is very hard. We know what it is to be without electricity for a few days. Is that how we want to live? Without money, only bartering. It is hard to go back in time, even if you go to faraway countries you bang into it all the time. WEF people everywhere. Not sure if I want to live in Africa - probably a few unspoiled places there - but I will stick out like a sore thumb, being a white woman on her own! Yes. At times of serendipity it all comes together and you recognize what it is. And then you let it go, or it will eat you up.

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Not an easy situation at all.

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