Sometimes I hit a learning plateau. Nothing pulls me to go further. The last few days I’ve plunged into something very different. A learning binge. I didn’t feel hungry for more information. But it came pouring in. I could have said no. I said yes.
Read on and this is what you will come to.
Satanism. Starting with Diddy and his freak-out parties. Going on to snuff videos, and to child and parent sacrifice.
Churchill - not a hero but the chief creator of World War II.
The South Pole - where there’s a station where earthquakes and hurricanes are created and controlled, and where vessels emitting neutrinos are tracked.
Arthur Firstenberg - electricity, 5G, the earth.
If you’re just going to look at just one thing, I suggest the interview with Darryl Cooper, a historias who digs and digs and digs, and who has come to game-changing information on Churchill, which changes the entire picture of World War II.
Child and parent sacrifice. The rape of Justin Bieber. Diddy and his freak-out parties. Diddy in prison.
A few years ago I spent 5 hours one weekend watching someone’s 5-hour video on . . . I’m no longer sure of the exact topic, something like Satanism among the Stars, or maybe Illuminati Symbolism among the Stars. An image comes to mind: Paul McCartney with 666. Also a Beatles cover with dismembered babies. The videomaker: an almost-star who pulled out of the system.
I also read and watched a bit on Pizzagate - very disturbing (to me anyway) images of children.
I watched a video of a quiet man around 60 speak of not being able to take part in child sacrifice. Until then, he had been numb all the way through.
Like everyone else, I know about Epstein being suicided, and most of the visitors to his island continuing to be protected.
Now … from DivaDrops to ForbiddenNews: starting with Diddy, freak-outs, Satanism, child and parent sacrifice.
Link: divadrops.substack.com/p/now-the-pedo-perps-are-victims-lady
Link: forbiddennews.substack.com/p/fbi-seize-diddy-snuff-tape-showing
In a way this is nothing new. Just more of the same: more Hollywood horror. More depraved sex and Satanism scandals.
When will the revelations be enough to bring down the structure? I don’t know. This should be enough.
I have been coming across interviews, like on Jerm Warfare, about Churchill being not a hero but more of a German-hating monster. Something to look into, I said to myself. But I didn’t click to look.
Then in a group, a friend posted a question from a friend of hers:
A friend asked we to tell him what I thought about this Irving speech:
It is obviously considered utterly beyond the pale - but Irving gave many checkable references and sources.
Now independently, both my thoughtful, intelligent, decent children have drawn this interview to my attention:
Strange coincidence that these things were brought to my attention at the same time - maybe as some have said the moment has come to reexamine a fundamental myth of our culture? These observations and facts are deeply uncomfortable and run counter to what are now fundamental assumptions for most of us. But it's very important to be willing to consider this I think. Are people willing to take the time to listen?
I have started with the second video. Over 2 hours long. Tucker Carlson interviewing a historian I wasn’t familiar with, someone who digs and digs and digs, and then keeps digging further. What is the truth? On Jonestown. On Churchill. On the Middle East - the Zionists, the Palestinians, the British. Here is the link again:
Darryl Cooper: The True History of the Jonestown Cult, WWII, and How Winston Churchill Ruined Europe
Of course it isn’t just Churchill who created World War II. It’s also Hitler, plus the Invisible Hands who pushed Churchill into place - and there we come once more to those behind the scenes, like those behind Diddy. The Predator Class. The Predators.
Once Churchill was in place, he did what he did, like he ignored Hitler’s pleas for peace after England and France declared war on Germany in 1939. The outcome: World War II, as we know it.
The South Pole
I have come across so much clamor about the South Pole, almost all of which I’ve avoided - like from people claiming the earth is flat and therefore the South Pole is a no fly zone - and from people who claim there is a huge hole into the earth at the South Pole and therefore it is a no-fly zone.
The truth (anyway, what I currently believe is the truth), from an interview with Eric Hecker, who worked at the South Pole: there is a tiny area where you are not allowed to fly lower than 8000 feet. Here’s Redacted with the summary of the interview, and then the interview:
Former Raytheon Employee Eric Hecker, who worked at the South Pole Station in Antarctica, reveals how they use direct energy to control storms and earthquakes.
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOSGRv0SNfI
Electricity, 5G, the earth.
That’s where this learning binge started. I’d known the name and his general beliefs for a long time. But I’d never taken the time to read or listen - someone else with so much to say.
By the way, I’ve long subscribed to The Power Couple, where you will get much similar information.
Anyway, here are interviews with Firstenberg:
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5IbfO09Yqc
I think back to where it started, for me, this breaking through to more truth about what is going on. Islam, not a religion of peace. 2006.
Over and over, more breaking through to more of what is going on.
And always, reaching out to share what I am learning.
And then, more.
May we all cultivate Darryl Cooper’s attitude: what matters is the truth.
All the best to all of us, in our ongoing journey.
Posted Oct 13, 2024
Been on a learning binge my entire life and it got more intense in 2020, really appreciate anyone else who shares learning binges! I don't have to agree with everything, that is what FREE SPEECH is for!
Ms Elsa, your enthusiasm is lovely.
Regarding pedo stuff and satan, here is a pdf of my book "Deliverance." Each chapter is discreet, so you can bounce around if you want to.