Churchill's mother was Jenny Jerome Jacobson.

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Thank you. Very interesting.

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I’m with you, Elsa. Although, my husband and I have gone even further into the dive. It’s not about just knowledge; it’s about awareness and understanding the intricate connection and fulfillment of Bible prophecy right under our noses. It has renewed my awe of our awesome God who is in complete control even in the midst of the chaos. He has the whole picture of His divine plan while we, here on Earth just try to make sense of blips in the a scene. What comfort understanding brings. It’s all in His control! But that doesn’t mean we should sit back in complacency, content to remain naive in a pseudo bliss.

We were created for a purpose and will be held accountable for our lives. Will we bury our talent or invest it? Will we live with intention of serving our God by helping others in their need or live for ourselves?

How can we help others if we don’t know truth ourselves? Knowledge produces resolve and discerning action. May God find us faithful!

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May be you want to know all this. But to what purpose? Long ago I learned a French poem.

It goes somewhat like this. If the hour that sounds is sweet to your heart, don't tell anyone about your happiness. If the vine surrounds your little old house, limit the horizon to its foliage. If love knocks gently on your door, close the door well behind her.

This is what I am doing. I still read a bit of the news. But it is all beyond my reach. This is my cabin in the woods, and my love lies next to me. What more is there to want?

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We are each different. It sounds like what you are living is just right for you, but would not suit me. And vice versa. It also sounds like life is very good for you. Wonderful.

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