First though that came to when I saw the title. Roy Orbison.

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Roy is an icon in Texas. Wink, Texas was his home. Museum there in his memory. Love his music.

Loneliness from compliance? From doing what the government lied to you about?

I don't know the answer to either query. I never bought into the barnyard refuse propaganda of EUA and indemnification for the vaccine manufacture industry. I remain shot free after a discussion with a recognized Yale epidemiologist.

Embrace the truth and your independence of thought and action even at the loss of friendships.

Walk in the Light. Avoid the darkness they wish for you . They continue to search for an exit but there are no exit lights for them. They are trapped in their own gullible prison.

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A reader sent a comment to me: This is a very important topic to articulate and bring out from its shadows - especially now. Thank you. I think we fear turning our gaze to these states of loneliness that impact all of us at one point or another, but that we dread. We experience an aversion similar to death and loss. Most people struggle to be with people who are lonely because they struggle to bear witness to it. While we need to embrace aloneness, we can have too much of that.

They don't use the term dysthymia much anymore, and I don't think there ever was a real understanding of the root of it. They just tend to toss it into the depression label, which I disagree with. I sense you going in this direction. I think this explains some of what I was thinking about, as a response to your writing. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022395622004320

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I've posted this comment, and will comment on it. I don't see the loneliness I'm writing about as linked to depression. If anything, I'm super undepressed. I also enjoy aloneness. The loneliness I'm speaking about - it's the focus of a book I've head half of: Soul Prints. This kind of loneliness comes from what I see as a deep-down human need, if we are to flourish: the need to be truly seen and heard by others, as well as to truly see and hear others.

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