Many thanks Elsa. I think the thing with coffee is that it is the most heavily pesticide sprayed crop in the world apparently.


Pesticides are neuro-toxic like most big pharma drugs so in effect one is poisoning oneself.

My wife and I buy organic coffee as a consequence although I do not drink it much anyway.

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I have again been in contact with Carla Davis, a major health expert. I will be interviewing her toward the end of November regarding the many changing claims about what is and what isn't good for us. Her knowledge is that coffee is a dangerous addictive drug, rather than a food. So pesticides are part of the problem. A small part. Another problem is that coffee makes us more influencible, suggestible. It's no accident that, in a society where so many people are led by the media, that coffee shops (making people more easy to influence) are on every corner. By the way, like you and your wife, I long thought that the problem was the pesticides. That's what I was told.

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Thanks Elsa. Coffee contains chemicals like all food and ultimately it will be a balance depending on what else is in the body. Some people are addicted to coffee and others aren't.

The question then could be though is it better to drink tea?!

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I'll let Carla Davis give her informed answer, and then go on from there.

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Been drinking coffee in the a.m. and a glass of wine pretty much every night for many years and doubt they have impaired my ability to cogently assess the corrupt media's attempts to control minds.

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Jason also recommended watching Derren Brown's shows on mind manipulation and hypnosis.

This video shows how it is possible with certain subjects to create MK Ultra assassins. https://rumble.com/v2hctog-rfk-the-assassin-derren-brown-the-experiments-s01-e01-2011.html

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Thank you. Yes, there was lots more to the interview.

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The toxin part reminds me of a concept I've been formulating... we hear about "fear mongering" a lot, but I think they are also engaged in "pain mongering"...

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Agreed. And ultra definitely in toxin mongering - so that liquor stores were kept open, gyms were not - just one instance.

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libraries, parks and beaches were not, Starbucks (for coffee!!) were open.

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ABSOLUTELY AND UTTERLY RIGHT. Libraries - people even naturally distance!!! focus on books, thinking, and fun reading. Arghhh!! We were noticing these things at the time - did not know the role of coffee, most of us, anyway.

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its addictiveness should alert anyone and the worldwide Big Agro means of production and mass marketing should be another big warning sign.

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Coffee, one cup in AM. Beer and wine, on occasion. Pot same. (Used to do all more when younger) Broadcast TV- baseball games, a few guilty pleasures like Naked and Afraid (last night was Bugged Out in Belize). Streaming TV - lots of movies and TV series, mostly Euro. I'm a critical junkie. But Zero TV news. I could become a porn addict so have to refrain.

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I suggest you watch the interview. But it;'s your life.

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Adding "but it's your life" turns a suggestion into passive aggressive sarcasm.

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You understand it as such.

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Seriously why coffee? Is it for the addictive aspect? 🤔

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Well, this got me to go down memory lane - to an interview from June 2022 with Carla Davis from https://www.mastersofhealthmag.com. She came down strongly against coffee, about which I'd heard such good things from alternative health people like David Wolff (sp?). So I wrote to her, citing some studies.

Here's her extensive answer:

all those studies claiming the benefits of coffee were financed by the coffee cartel, or the university or its professor involved, received large grants from the coffee cartel. None of those studies were scientific, double blind studies.

Various experts will site these claims because they are coffee drinkers and want to justify their addiction. I do not agree with them. I have investigated this over a great deal of time and also read the many studies on the other side of the fence who don’t have conflicts of interest or a coffee addiction. I stand by my assessment.

In addition, the articles clearly say ‘may have’ they are not conclusive nor done by scientifically credible studies.

Did you not see: Naveed Sattar, a professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow who was not involved in the work, said that the “observational nature of this new study means these conclusions are far from definitive.”

In an accompanying editorial, Dr. Christina Wee, deputy editor of the journal, said that the findings were not conclusive.

Seven years is not long enough to determine one’s life span and longevity.

Only looking at arterial stiffness is not the only factor involved in heart disease. Also there are many other factors involved in doing a study to claim these findings. It is like claiming smoking is good for you because it initially relaxes you.

Also, others who drank a lot of coffee and those who had cardiovascular disease were eliminated from the studies.

In another article, the claims are very misleading! They use the coffee bean as a measure of antioxidants. Not the end roasted product. Every bean, fruit, and plant contains some antioxidants. Even the tobacco plant has antioxidants. Coffee is one of the most harmful drinks for diabetics as it raises the blood sugar (just like tobacco) which provides the ‘feel good’ effect. But, over time the stimulant effect burns out the adrenal glands and eventually causes burnout. Also, coffee increases one’s cholesterol level.

The stimulant of caffeine is what they claim improves workout efficiency. But, they don’t say the long-term effects of taking a stimulant drug.

Other claims state ‘can make’ which doesn’t mean conclusive. “Seen to’ or ‘reduce the risk’ or ‘linked to’ is not real science.


"But of course, some precautions must be taken when consuming it. As coffee is a diuretic, it can trigger fluid loss due to frequent urination."

“It can be good for you” Can doesn’t mean it is. Where is the independent science showing this?

It is also a highly acidic addictive drug!

As for burning fat, there are safer ways to burn fat than using a drug! Promoting ‘caffeine’ or 5-7 cups of coffee a day is deadly dangerous and anyone promoting this should be put on notice!

One article even promotes the use of sugar in the coffee! Antoher says, “may offer ’some protection’! Where is the real science?

Did you read: Coffee drawbacks:

"Addiction, inability to fall asleep

Since caffeine is a diuretic, any kidney or bladder problems can be exacerbated. (Diuretics cause loss of potassium and other minerals, which can trigger a heart attack).

Perhaps the worst ill effect of excess coffee drinking involves the adrenal glands.

When we drink coffee, the adrenal glands are stimulated to produce adrenaline. This is part of the flight or fight syndrome. It is what causes irritability, especially since it also inhibits soothing serotonin.

If coffee is consumed excessively too often and too long, one can experience Adrenal Fatigue.

Adrenal Fatigue lowers cortisol production, making it very difficult to cope with stress."

"The authors hypothesized” the benefits."


"The problem is, though, despite all of this research in this largest study of its kind ever conducted, no one is still really sure why coffee appears to do more good than harm. Coffee has a lot of different ingredients that can affect the health of an individual, whether those are small amounts of substances associated with cancer or good things such as antioxidants. It must be noted that the most notorious ingredient in coffee, caffeine, actually did not play a role in the results of this large study.”

"Although the process of heating coffee does create acrylamide, which has been identified by the state as a carcinogen since the ‘90s,” This can’t be ignored!

"A court had ruled last March that all cafes have to warn clients that coffee contains carcinogens."

"Coffee beans are one of the most highly chemically-treated crops you can find, subjected to a toxic brew of pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides. While some studies show that the high temperatures used to roast coffee beans can eliminate many pesticide residues, some of it can still end up in the beans.”

"Brazil, one of the world’s biggest coffee exporters, is known for its liberal use of pesticides. In places like Jamaica, meanwhile, 78 percent of coffee farmers have experienced symptoms related to handling pesticides."

As for longevity…all the cultures who live long do not drink coffee.

Cultures who drink coffee do not live long and have high rates of cardiovascular disease. Simple common sense tells me it is not a good drug to ingest!

“may be or may help” and ‘might provide' doesn’t mean it does!

The hype and misleading info in some these articles is very disturbing.

Some articles contradict the other articles with their claims.

Also, all the sources were similar, most benefited from coffee (conflicts of interest) and none were credible scientific studies.

After seeing all these articles in Natural News…The Health Rangers has lost all credibility in my view!

How many people drink low acid, micro toxin-free organic coffee?

RE Check out this video from David to learn the dangers of drinking certain commercial coffees and learn what coffee you should be drinking.

He raised some good points but he did not address the caffeine factor and he sells that coffee, so his claim for his coffee product also has issues.

Bottom line, I do not recommend an acidic addictive drug for good health, which I addressed in my article.

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