How do they do it? How do the Predators mind control us? Jason Christoff: They use a very simple recipe. Just 2 ingredients.
There it is, this huge force working against us - Mr. Global, the Global Predators, the Global Parasites. Call them what you will. As for their recipe for mind control, for getting us to do whatever they want us to do, Jason Christoff holds that it’s very very very simple. Only 2 ingredients.
Not a big arsenal.
One. Repetition. It doesn’t take that many. Just 5 or 6 can do it. But we’re likely to get over 1000 repetitions.
One huge danger we run into, beyond the power of repetition: the belief of many people that they’re immune to the control. Nope, they’re not. We’re not. No one is. The process works on the subconscious level. There’s a powerful clip in the interview with Christoff showing this.
Two. Toxins - poison. At the top of the list, coffee - more powerful than alcohol. Why, Christoff asks, do you think there’s a coffee shop on every corner? Second major toxin - alcohol. And then drugs, legal and illegal. And on: toxins in food, in the air we breathe.
That’s it, according to Jason Christoff - that’s the mind control arsenal of the Parasites - repetition and toxins. (Of course they need to have the means to expose us to the repetition, like owning the mainstream media and the entertainment industries.)
About the dangerous false belief that you can consume their toxic media content (mainstream media news, mainstream entertainment from videos to music) without being taken in. After all, you’re aware.
It doesn’t matter if you’re aware of the lethal nature of arsenic before you ingest. It’s lethal.
Re “entertainment” - what catches people are the messages that come in below awareness.
Here’s the interview.
Reiner Fuellmich with Jason Christoff - Exposing Mind Control: (Aug 23 2023)
The remedy for being mind controlled is pretty obvious.
No mainstream content. No mainstream “news.” No mainstream “entertainment.”
No toxins. No coffee, alcohol, drugs.
My guess is that many of the awake have long gotten a far lower dose than average of mainstream media toxins. I haven’t watched TV for decades, except when my mother was visiting - and then it would be largely Animal Planet.
As for the intake toxins, coffee and alcohol - fewer of us are aware of those than of media toxins. I remember being shocked, only a couple of years ago, when hearing a health source describe coffee as a toxin. I’ve heard so much from major alternative health sources on stuff like Bullet Proof Coffee, which is supposed to be extra good for us. As for alcohol, the general message - mainstream - is moderation. I don’t know of major alternative media strongly against the intake of any alcohol as making us more susceptible to mind control.
My main take-away from the interview: we have so much individual power, like cutting all mainstream content, cutting all coffee and alcohol and mind-altering drugs, and passing on this message - for example, through getting other people to watch the video.
Personal analysis.
Mainstream media - I have an allergic reaction, so I avoid it.
Alcohol - I stopped drinking wine (basically the only alcoholic beverage I’ve been drinking for a long time) about a year or two ago. I just felt it wasn’t beneficial.
A question to myself: I have a coffee in the morning. Would it be good for me to cut that out? In fact, I’ve just had a coffee now..
No drugs.
And now, what about you?
Posted Oct 2, 2023
Been drinking coffee in the a.m. and a glass of wine pretty much every night for many years and doubt they have impaired my ability to cogently assess the corrupt media's attempts to control minds.
Jason also recommended watching Derren Brown's shows on mind manipulation and hypnosis.
This video shows how it is possible with certain subjects to create MK Ultra assassins.