It’s always extra special to me when something changes my understanding of the world - of the Kennedy assassination, of what happened to the Twin Towers, of the history of vaccinations.
That kind of perception-changing learning happened this weekend.
I’ve just had a mini learning binge. What stood out most for me: David Irving’s presentation on Churchill, based on his incredibly well-researched book Churchill’s War. Churchill, not a hero but a major villain, responsible for World War II as we know it (it had almost ended in 1940), and also - WOW!!! - largely responsible for the extremely rapid demolition of the British Empire.
Irving’s presentation adds to a puzzle in the making where a key piece is Andrzej Lobaczewski’s Political Ponerology - the role of the pathological (evil) personality in politics. I was blown away by that book. I have posted about it 3 times , the last time giving key features. That was another of those game-changing books.
Political Ponerology - that leads directly to those planning and setting in motion main events such as the World Wars, the lockdowns and mandates, extreme weather events from earthquakes to hurricanes to forest fires. Those Invisible Hands: the Predators, the Illuminati, the Bankers. They have been given various names.
Below them are those who carry out the plans, and the media narrative makers, because we are certainly not meant to see things are they are.
But then there are narrative-busting books and videos like Churchill’s War and Diana West’s American Betrayal - which tore down my image of what happened in the US during World War II.
There is also the huge question, in terms of carrying out the plans: how do you manufacture a second World War and the rapid demolition of the British Empire? It did not happen as I learned in school.
Enter Churchill. . .
For more, watch the presentation and/or read the book:
The world that I see - so very different from the world as I saw it 20 years ago, even 5, even 2. Changes and more changes. Much closer to reality.
By the way, it isn’t always a book or video that brings about the break in a narrative. I remember, in 2006, in one of my earliest posts, writing that Mohammed would be extremely upset about what had been done to his religion of peace. I got back an answer: no he wouldn’t be upset, because it wasn’t a religion of peace. The person, still a friend, included (according to my memory) about 20 quotes from the quran. I asked for more. He sent many more. Quite some rabbit hole I entered!
All the best to all of us, in our ongoing journeys.
Posted Oct 16, 2024
David Irving & I are about the same age. I have met the gentleman over 10 times at his book reviews. I'm known & disliked as a skeptic, have read many of his books. I have NEVER found his writings in error or his talks. Irving is the Wikileaks of WWII. 88&8s,Dave
Wow! Thanks for posting. I knew that he was responsible for blocking peace talks. But this story takes the cake!