Early this morning, a friend sent a link to an interview with someone I have not heard about. It pulled me in a direction that has fascinated me, and many millions of others, since childhood. Aliens - beings not from this planet.
Interesting timing of this article. I just saw a television program dealing with this subject, which covered testimonies from credible people from around the world. One of the obvious clues that have been largely ignored are the histories of indigenous people telling of visitors they saw coming from the heavens, they call "The Star People". These stories are strikingly similar between groups living far away from one another and continue to this day. From astronauts to professional and military pilots, to submarine officers, the encounters range from seeing structures where none should be to actual contact with alien beings. One testimony was a deathbed statement from someone who was part of the original crew investigating the Roswell incident saying he saw alien bodies. I wish I had written his name down, but a highly ranked official in the Canadian government was interfiewed and said in no uncertain terms there is communication going on between governments here and what he described as an alien "confederation" of different alien races. Even for someone like me who believes in aliens, it was stil hard to get my mind around that interview and begs a number of questions like, "what is being discussed, how many of these races are friendly or hostile?" Looks like the syfy television programs like Star Trek were more on track than we thought.
We have been following this subject for some time now. About 30 years ago, a relative who had also been following the alien question told a story of running into a man who worked at the Goldstone tracking station at the Ft. Irwin Army base outside of Barstow and this subject came up. Our relative asked him if he believed in space aliens. The person didn't hesititate with a "yes"and went on to say "I'm watching the sky and see a small moving object in space in a straight line, then suddenly take a 90 degree turn." There are no air or spacecraft on earth that could do that, and there are no planets, asteroids, or meteors that move like that. So what are the other options for this? Logic would point to a controlled vehicle from another planet with a far more sophisticated means of travel than we have here on earth.
Great stack...and yes, Whitley is a very interesting guy, with abduction being a very taboo subject even - and especially - in the UFO field. There's another great researcher who does not shy away from abductions...knowing that experiencers are relegated to the fringe by the sanctioned spook groups controlling the narrative. You might like him. Timothy Alberino...our own Indianan Jones.
Thx again! One of my favorite and agonizing subjects. 💖
Interesting timing of this article. I just saw a television program dealing with this subject, which covered testimonies from credible people from around the world. One of the obvious clues that have been largely ignored are the histories of indigenous people telling of visitors they saw coming from the heavens, they call "The Star People". These stories are strikingly similar between groups living far away from one another and continue to this day. From astronauts to professional and military pilots, to submarine officers, the encounters range from seeing structures where none should be to actual contact with alien beings. One testimony was a deathbed statement from someone who was part of the original crew investigating the Roswell incident saying he saw alien bodies. I wish I had written his name down, but a highly ranked official in the Canadian government was interfiewed and said in no uncertain terms there is communication going on between governments here and what he described as an alien "confederation" of different alien races. Even for someone like me who believes in aliens, it was stil hard to get my mind around that interview and begs a number of questions like, "what is being discussed, how many of these races are friendly or hostile?" Looks like the syfy television programs like Star Trek were more on track than we thought.
Thank you for the extra information.
We have been following this subject for some time now. About 30 years ago, a relative who had also been following the alien question told a story of running into a man who worked at the Goldstone tracking station at the Ft. Irwin Army base outside of Barstow and this subject came up. Our relative asked him if he believed in space aliens. The person didn't hesititate with a "yes"and went on to say "I'm watching the sky and see a small moving object in space in a straight line, then suddenly take a 90 degree turn." There are no air or spacecraft on earth that could do that, and there are no planets, asteroids, or meteors that move like that. So what are the other options for this? Logic would point to a controlled vehicle from another planet with a far more sophisticated means of travel than we have here on earth.
So funny - stumbled over that amazing video yesterday and now I get this info. I can warmly recommend it!
Great stack...and yes, Whitley is a very interesting guy, with abduction being a very taboo subject even - and especially - in the UFO field. There's another great researcher who does not shy away from abductions...knowing that experiencers are relegated to the fringe by the sanctioned spook groups controlling the narrative. You might like him. Timothy Alberino...our own Indianan Jones.
Thx again! One of my favorite and agonizing subjects. 💖
Thanks for the recommendation to look into Timothy Alberino, I will do it now.
ain't buyin'