You have been sitting in the quiet nook, in the comfortable old armchair, quietly reading about gaps that couldn’t be crossed, and help that was wanted but, it seems, couldn’t be found.
You’re remembering what you almost started to read, before turning to those pages. A book of love poetry. Somehow opening that book had felt a big much.
You had no idea what you’d be turning to instead, and what that might churn up in you.
Gaps. Between the feeling and the fact. Between the thought and the act.
Lack of help.
Longing for help with your spark.
You’re not someone who has gone in much for help. You haven’t been quite mainstream - you’ve always liked thinking and ethics. But early on you found a niche that was right for you. Not a square peg in a round hole, or a round peg in a square hole - but more like a strangely shaped peg fitting very well into a strangely shaped hole. Your small Philosophy department. And your niche. Ethics.
You think of Ikea furniture, with its many pieces that need to be fitted together just right.
Ethics. That is nothing like Ikea furniture. One and only one right fit, or the whole thing does not work.
You are not someone who has ever enjoyed putting those Ikea puzzle pieces together.
As for your life, it hasn’t felt anything like being a piece in some kind of Ikea furniture.
Your life has been somewhat off to the side of the mainstream. And yet it’s been very right for you.
That’s the work area of your life.
There’s a poem you haven’t turned to. Forever Alone.
Is this what is right for you?
You decide to turn to the poem now.
To be continued . . .
Posted Oct 21, 2024
I have a feeling that you know me LOL