After a violent windstorm 4 nights w/o power it's amazing how calm envelops with candle light, you read peacefully then by 10pm you're embracing your pillow.
Love is a word with many meanings. GR8st loves? Maybe a smile to a stranger, maybe the love of a parent to their child. Many people have defined love in so many different ways. My favorite is Jeannette MacDonald singing "...and it's love and love alone the world is seeking, and it's love and love alone I've waited for...." from the song Ah Sweet Mystery of life". At 90 y.o., my love is resisting The New World Order to make life better for those humans in the future. 88&8's,Dave
Love can also involve forgiveness. I have worked for 19 years on the tragedy of mind control and child trafficking. Finally, Linda Summer of Adelaide Australia, has done it. It does appear that most of the child abusers had no choice; they were as abused as anyone. Her new book is soon available., Title: "Enough!" Anyone wants a pdf of it, pls tell me at
After a violent windstorm 4 nights w/o power it's amazing how calm envelops with candle light, you read peacefully then by 10pm you're embracing your pillow.
Yes, what a welcome difference candle light (and no electricity) makes.
Elsa: Thank you for the mention:
One person writes to me:
Get to the point. Why read this book?
Love is a word with many meanings. GR8st loves? Maybe a smile to a stranger, maybe the love of a parent to their child. Many people have defined love in so many different ways. My favorite is Jeannette MacDonald singing "...and it's love and love alone the world is seeking, and it's love and love alone I've waited for...." from the song Ah Sweet Mystery of life". At 90 y.o., my love is resisting The New World Order to make life better for those humans in the future. 88&8's,Dave
Love can also involve forgiveness. I have worked for 19 years on the tragedy of mind control and child trafficking. Finally, Linda Summer of Adelaide Australia, has done it. It does appear that most of the child abusers had no choice; they were as abused as anyone. Her new book is soon available., Title: "Enough!" Anyone wants a pdf of it, pls tell me at
i’m interested in the pdf, and can i be bold enough to say that the word ‘can’ in your first sentence could be switch to ‘must’.
Yes, love as many aspects.