Dont wanna be a party breaker but…gay rights brought woke in power, slavery aint gone, it refined itself under work, plus we still have real slave to( at least in the past, some folks were free for real) and did women vote( or men as much) ever did change something or is worth something? Democratie always been a rig game for a minority of elites to play musical chair wih power and evade the head cutting if they dont behave accordingly. So at least in that time they had some kinda pressure over them. All the rest of the song is great! All the poetry awesome, but the start is a killer for me lol. To quote a group i loved as a yougnster, tool : freedom of choice is what we got, freedom from choice is what we want. True liberty ✌️😁👍

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I understand: from gay rights to woke - but that is evil forces turning something good into something bad. just like feminism - a good thing, about women having rights - has been used to destroy the family.

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You are indeed right on that! I still thinks tho that democratia for man or woman was just an illusion to keeps us boxed in. But you are right, evil always turns gold to lead( aint that funny since most them Thinks highly of themselves and presume turning lead to gold) alchemia ´s ironie lol

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Lots of agreement. Also lots to discuss and think about.

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