You’ve been sitting in the comfortable old armchair for a while, undecided. What will it be today? There has been 8 O’Clock
eight o'clock
the best time
the very best time
And then Gray Morning
even the dog is napping
while daylight is wrapping
grayness 'round my bones
There has been Gentle Rain and Heavy Rain and Heavy Breezes.
But what pulls you today?
You’ve looked at the books of love poetry. No, not any of those, not today.
One title pulls you more than any of the others. Is Love Obsolete?
Good question, you think. You think about the world around you. You’ve been hearing a lot about the worldwide raising of vibrations. Not a lot about good old-fashioned love.
So, Is Love Obsolete?
You turn to find whatever you will find.
What you come to is not what you rather expected.
Is love obsolete?
Are feet obsolete?
Are treats obsolete?
Is life obsolete?
Is love obsolete?
Obscene, the suggestion -
though most live
with just the suggestion of love
You stop.
You think about it.
You agree. That’s what you’re seeing around you. Most people living with just the suggestion of love, if even that.
All the same …
What a question -
is love obsolete?
Has it ever been the right time,
has it ever been that love is fine,
that love flourishes
Not just something we visit,
like tourists visit the museum
Love just visited …
You’ve seen that.
You read on and then stop again …
Love isn't easy,
it flows underground,
it's dammed and jammed
and held down by angers and grudges
hard old sludge that won't budge
But is love obsolete?
The poem goes on.
You know the answer that is coming.
And yes, it’s the answer you expect.
No, love's not obsolete
It's just sometimes obscenely hard to love well
You reread the poem …
You sit a while longer. Yes, loving well hasn’t been easy for you.
To be continued …
Posted April 17, 2024
Is Love a verb or a noun? In a consumer Culture, Love is a commodity. Here are two song titles from the past: “Can’t buy Me Love,” (Beatles), "Love For Sale,” (old Jazz Song, I don’t remember the composer’s name.). In each song, Love is a noun.
Outside of a consumer Culture, Love is a verb—an activity. To Love, Loving a person, a pet, life, etc.
How about the song, “Where is the Love?” Is Love an object, something to find?
What does it mean to Love? To care? Mutual respect and trust? From the Heart.
The mind may think and think, but the Heart & Soul feels and feels, and radiates & receives Love...
Humans need LOVE in order to spell, 'EVOLve.' Love the spirit in your words. May LOVE engulf and inform the future of Humanity!