No, we are not finished but if I remember correctly, Reiner said at the very beginning, "It's going to be a bumpy ride so buckle up and enjoy it." He also reminded us to keep singing. Even in the concentration camps they sang, apparently.

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Apologies for my late reply. I am very familiar with the line, " It is finished" but in what way do *you* think it is? We all have our own interpretations. No-one reads the same book. My own opinion is that we are slowly working toward a renaissance. The living planet that we call our home will not end.

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I agree no 2 people read the same book. About the planet: I also have the sense this planet will continue. I see not only "we are slowly working toward a renaissance" but strong forces against this. That does not mean we are finished.

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This creeping unease of mind, heart and soul is everywhere, in every country (yes, in our faraway NZ) whilst a pervading veil of dark intent ever descends being with evident aforethought deliberation drawn slowly across each land - the minds' eye closes and grey montages scroll ..Hiroshima.. Gaza.. Kharkiv.. at this point it would be a bloody great relief to wake-up from this Kafkaesque nightmare, sweep our long tentacles off the pillow, wave our many little legs in the air, and begin with joy our first new giant insectoid day!

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I believe there is coming a time when we feel we must get down on our knees - and ask for mercy and help - when we finally realize we need the help of God above

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I think that God may be asking why his followers allowed the world to become a cesspit of iniquity.

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For Him to see which way each of us would go ..readily deeper into the cesspit ..or wanting with all one's heart to go as far as possible in the other direction ..and He has reached down His Hand to us ..it is nearly finished.

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Just a few hours ago, I was thinking in bed last night around 3am. It is still dark as l write this. I was thinking about the dystopian world we now live in. What can l do to stop the madness l thought. Well the first thing that came to mind was we have to collectively cut off the head of the Hydra. I am a Greek after all and there is nothing in Greek Mythology that isn't described about human nature. It took a great hero to destroy the evil Hydra. Where is that great hero today? Where was that great hero when millions of people were getting gassed in the Nazi concentration camps in Europe not so long ago? What was going through the minds of those forsaken souls as they suffered every minute of their incarceration? We think we have it bad today but l remember reading about a Spitfire pilot commenting on sportsmen who bemoaned the difficulties they were having playing their game. He said how would they like to be in a cockpit up in the sky with Messerschmitts firing at you from behind. If it wasn't for those Spitfire pilots we would all be in concentration camps today. What's that? You don't see any concentration camps around you? They are there alright but if you wait for them to come into view it will be too late. Everyone that is standing up to fight this evil in whatever way they can is a hero. The problem is there are too many spectators and not enough players in this fight against tyranny. So, stop being a spectator and do something to join the fight.

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Thank you Elsa, for showing us your writing! Writing is important. It cleanses. It detoxes.

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I'm tired is certainly how I feel! There certainly appears to be no peak to the climb we're on to survive. I believe continuing to stand up for what we believe is truth and protecting our identity is part of that survival, alongside so much else. Edith Eger's book "The Choice" taught me valuable lessons for the Covid era and all it entailed. Your community and research helps so much to remain grounded. The lenses through which we see change with the understanding it all brings! Thank you.

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