You open the door to the old second-hand bookstore. You bring a gust of cold air inside with you. You close the door as quickly as you can, stamp your boots so most of the snow stays on the large mat near the door.
You take a deep breath. You feel you’ve come home, to a second home. You’ve missed the bookstore, you realize.
You smile and nod at the woman at the cash. She’s wearing a very thick sweater, a thick scarf is around her neck, and she’s reading yet another book. Hot tea is steaming in a large mug close to her.
You make your way to the nook, to the comfortable padded armchair, and sit down. You lean back and close your eyes. You’re in no hurry to read whatever the next poem will be. You’re not in any kind of hurry.
The words you heard inside your head yesterday come back to you.
Are floodgates breaking?
You open your eyes, look at the short stack of books on the low table nearby. You left Love Poems for You on top of the pile. Now MOMENTS is on top. It seems someone else has been sitting in the comfortable armchair.
Well, why not. You’ve been gone a long time. But it feels a little strange. This feels very much like your nook, your armchair.
You reach for MOMENTS.
You open the book, look at the many titles.
What pulls you today? Anything?
One title pulls you. You’ve never noticed it before:
On My Own Two Feet.
Why not? Better than standing on one foot, or doing handstands.
You turn to the page.
It does not sound like standing nice and solid, on your own two feet.
It sounds . . . frivolous.
To be continued . . .
Posted February 2, 2025
Let's face it, walking into a second-hand bookstore is like entering a time capsule. You find evidence of a time long gone by. What can we learn from the past? Without knowledge of the past, we can't parse the present or predict the possible.