Hi Elsa, For background on the Synagogue of Satan, Texxe Marrs wrote an excellent summary and history of this cult in the introduction he wrote for the book of the same name, Synagogue of Satan, by Andrew Hitchcock. Alternatively, several shorter versions by Pastor Marrs are available by Googling his name and Synagogue of Satan. Those may leave out the Khazarian history, however.

The modern history and intrigues of this devil worshipping cabal is clearly exposed by HenryMakow.com. His research is excellent, a PhD in English and a Jew himself.

The Bible is the final reference, and Christ himself called out the spiritual corruption of the Judaic religious leaders in His first incarnation, and as well in the vision that He gave the apostle John recorded in the book of Revelation.

So, basically, what you are looking into is the organization of evil in this world system, headed by Satan, who is the leader of the rebellion against God. And it appears that the scene is being set for events to occur just as portrayed in the book of Revelation. But God has foretold that through Jesus Christ we will be gathered together with Him, those who have faith in Him and His work on the cross. Now is the day to trust Him for forgiveness of our sins, and confess He is Lord. The gift of the Holy Spirit that accompanies that confession will help you discern truth from error, and give you peace in the midst of the storms the evil one is conjuring daily. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and keep you. Look up, for your redemption draws near!

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Greetings Elsa, I read the recent post that led me to this one. I want you to know I was wondering the same thing .. thinking that Israel might hold out on the injections. It turns out that they were the first ones to get their delivery .. ahead of everyone else. I also was wondering why the elderly citizens everywhere were the ones being targeted as first to get injected. From our perspective now .. it seems ominous .. given how they were treated being isolated from family. My impression is that the elderly were targets because they have a connection to history .. to WW2 .. to many other atrocities .. and by eliminating these older voices .. it cuts off their influence .. their wisdom .. given to the younger generations .. so isolation was part of that picture.

When we realize that "reducing the carbon footprint" is code for a "major population reduction" .. then it puts many other things in perspective. The move toward a one world government .. divided up into 10 regions .. all under the control of a few .. means also that the US Constitution is going to be greatly challenged. If you aren't thinking about survival and preparation .. you and others certainly should.

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I agree with your comments regarding what was done to older people. I believe another reason was that their deaths saved the evil-doers money, being spent hugely on lockdowns, etc. But the financial savings were likely a small part of the impetus for targeting the older people.

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I read the comments, and you have indeed unearthed the classic Christian antisemites.

Reading your commenter, William Brown, is very instructive.

Indeed the "Synagogue of Satan" comes from the sick vomit known as The Book of Revelation.

The whole thing reads like this John have taken some bad acid, or maybe suffered from Schizophrenia.

Just read carefully what kind of people buy into this sick nonsense about "Khazarian Jewish" conspiracy.

See below, NASA must also controlled by the Khazarians (who are very sneaky), and Copernicus no doubt was also a Khazarian. Please read your commenter, bellow. Actually his whole post is worth studying.

The very first chapter of the Bible is a perfect example. It reveals that we live in a Geocentric Model, complete with a firmament above us, to separate the waters above, from the waters below. That firmament is a solid object. Therefore, just taking this information from the first chapter of the Bible, we can conclude that the NASA Heliocentric model being taught in Our public education (indoctrination) schools is a lie. Therefore, it also reveals that their trip to the moon was false as well.

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Elsa, I wonder why you say that

Clif HIgh video "feels very reliable"

The guy promotes the uber idiotic claim of "Khazarian Mafia".

Where have you found any proof of Khazarian Mafia?

Where have you found a proof of any Khazarian (pseudo-) Jews.

This is complete BULLSHIT. There is no other word that can describe this idiotic claim.

The imbecile says that Khazarian Mafia is controlling media.

Again, give me one example of a "Khazarian" who is controlling the media.

I am sure that the deranged imbecile would name some Jews among the leaders and owners and claim that THEY are the Khazarian mafia.

Where is his prove that they are "Khazarian"?

Where is his proof that they are "Baal worshipping, child sacrificing fake-Jews". Not a thread. They are just Jews, just like some people are Irish, and some other are Scotch, or Welsh or Italian.

So while there are plenty of Jews in the media business, there are also plenty of non-Jews, too. For example Rupert Murdoch, Warren Buffet, or Ted Turner. But even the many Jewish owners and CEOs, are not in any way connected through any sort of "Cabal" or "Khazarian Mafia" that's just pure antisemitic Hitlerite hysteria.

If you say that they are, then show any proof.

It is just like with "Blacks mafia controlling basketball and heavy weight boxing".

Or perhaps "Khazaria Jewish mafia" controlling Nobel committee which awards a disproportionally many Nobel prizes to Jews.

That is pretty obvious to every antisemitic imbecile.

After all how can Jews, who constitute 0.2% of world population get 27% of physics and whole 31% of medicine prizes? Clearly the Khazarian Mafia is behind.

And the same Khazarian Mafia is also controlling the Pulitzer prize, because 51% nonfiction winners are (Khazarian) Jews!

Ah, they also control the World Chess Federation, because 54 percent of the world chess champions were (Khazarian) Jews...

And most shamelessly "Khazarian" Jews make up 38% of leading philanthropists according to the "Business Week". If someone wonder why would these selfish parasites give money to philanthropy?

Because, as the above Clif HIgh video states they are very sneaky.

They give money to charities to because they are sneaky, so that you would never think that they are greedy bastards.

The sick antisemitic imbecile repeats the old and absurd slander that Jews, whom the sicko above calls "Khazarian Mafia" have put Mao in power, and also Stalin (a genocidal antisemite who fortunately died before he exterminated 1/2 Jews in Soviet Union).

But according to the sickos even Hitler was a Khazarian Mafia, and the Holocaust was also created by the same mafia.

Where is the proof that they are in any way connected

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Dear Elsa,

Everything you have discussed in this post as well as your next posting on 8/9/22 is true & actually just the tip of the iceberg!

I agree wholeheartedly with William & Victoria who have commented below. It is critical to note that this is truly a spiritual battle between the forces of GOOD & EVIL.

Are you familiar with a site called "Health Impact News" written by a Christian gentleman named Brian Shilhavy? He posts an article daily on world events but after each article when you scroll to the bottom there is a list of many many topics related to exactly what you are discussing here. It's a deep dive but we'll worth the time!

Thank-you for sharing. This information needs to be known more openly. It has been hidden for far too long!

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I agree it's about good and evil. This whole thing is. Love and life - good - on one side. Evil on the other. I also believe, like you, it's important to explore. It seems you are way ahead of me in this exploration. But everything from these past few years - so many of us are on journeys of learning about what is going on.

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The truth that you seek can be found within the pages of the Bible. The late chuck missler used to preach about this group. He called them Edomites, and explained details as to their origins. They indeed are real, as the Bible in Revelation 2:9, and 3:9 both refer to the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, but do lie. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, as Satan has always tried to mimic God in everything he does. These Ashkenazi Jews were probably slaughtering the real Jews back in the holocaust days, in order to muffle and silence anyone who would dare to speak out against Jews in the future. These types don’t follow the Torah, they follow the Talmud, and Kabbalah. Their deception has worked wonderfully on mankind though as the internet is full of conspiracy theorists who openly hate Jews, all because they see the crimes of the synagogue of Satan, yet cannot distinguish between the real and fake Jews.

I suspect that Satan wants the world to hate these families, so they will head to Jerusalem and wipe them off of the face of the earth, along with God’s chosen. Of course, the Bible clearly reveals that Jesus will return to defend Jerusalem when these events are happening. Even Jesus prophesied the first time He was on earth, the following:

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Many people have heard of the wedding supper of the Lamb, but they haven’t got a clue as to what it is. This isn’t a sophisticated formal dinner setting enjoying a meal, it’s the flesh of kings, and all of those opposed to Jesus Christ, being slaughtered so the birds of the air can feast on their flesh. Sound crazy? Go read Revelation Chapter 19!

This will be an end to the NWO, the Beast System, the fulfillment of Daniel Chapter 2, and the beginning of the Millennial kingdom.

If you truly want to know the truth, look no further than God’s Word.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

If the Bible is your foundation for which you view the world and it’s events through, you will be able to discern truth from deceptions.

Everything in our world has been based on lies to deceive us. The Word of God shatters the lies, by revealing truth.

The very first chapter of the Bible is a perfect example. It reveals that we live in a Geocentric Model, complete with a firmament above us, to separate the waters above, from the waters below. That firmament is a solid object. Therefore, just taking this information from the first chapter of the Bible, we can conclude that the NASA Heliocentric model being taught in Our public education (indoctrination) schools is a lie. Therefore, it also reveals that their trip to the moon was false as well. The Bible doesn’t support a spinning sphere, nor does it mention outer space. As difficult as this may be to accept, it’s the truth. Jesus is the Word of God, and literally everything in the Bible represents Jesus. People will either Accept it/Him, or reject it/Him.

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As l mentioned above l wholeheartedly agree with everything you have said here. I went to check on your SubStack & l did subscribe. I do hope you will begin writing articles soon!

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Ronald Bernard (an alias, btw) stated that this cabal is a mafia of 8000 - 8500 members. He also mentioned, halfway through the first interview, that their goals and methods are laid out in The Protocols of Zion, but if you refer to the publication you are labeled an "anti-Semite".

David Icke calls the cabal the "Sabbatean Frankists", which he came to after studying the relatively recent (within 300-400 years) history of the cult. He has been mercilessly censored and labeled an anti-Semite for his views.

Jesus called them the "synagogue of Satan" and said that, although they claimed to be Jews, they "are not". (True Jews accept his Messiah-ship.) They were the money changers and religious leaders of his day and were responsible for his murder. This cult was utterly crushed in 70 AD -- by the "hand of God" according to Titus. It is the head of the Beast of Revelation, (among seven "heads of blasphemy", one of which is Islam, btw) unique from the others, in that it appears to have once been slain (70 AD); it eventually resurrects. It is even more brutal and powerful than the others. It has, by now, achieved a stranglehold on humanity the world over, and has recently proved this by flexing its muscles for all to see. It will not -- and cannot -- be overpowered by mankind, but will be destroyed by the hand of God (again) at the coming of Jesus Christ. The 2000 year-long Gospel Era is, by now, at its end.

Btw, if you want to know how fiercely anti-Christian this cult is, just read their religious works, the Talmud and the Kabbalah.. They put the the Quran and other Islamic writings to shame.

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I am basically an outsider to this. One thing I know: name-calling is used to stop us from looking. Islamophobe Racist. Nazi. On and on. Lots to explore and to sort through. In the video I watched and wrote about, I could see (and commented upon) inaccuracies, omissions. Quite something to look into.

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Elsa - can you share please what video you watched that you are referring to here? If you've already mentioned it, l apologize, as l missed it! Thank-you!

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