Not sure how I want to reflect on this one.

If the parasite class can mold an entirely false 'reality' for public consumption, then why can't I do it too, minus the 'false' part?

Second, as a Christian, at some point I must concede, "I do not create reality. God made the universe, and saw fit to create me and let me see what He has made."

So I want to align with the true nature of 'reality', either by revelation (the Scriptures) or by observation & deduction (scientific method). Only the first of these is constant, the second changes over time.

But we were also created to be creative. So in some limited sense, like our Creator, I can make my own reality. I can create my own world and live in it. This can be a world of illusion, like the parasite class feeds us, or it can be a world of truth, aligned with the Creator's, or a spectrum in between. I think it is a bad thing to downplay human creativity and thus lose sight of our ability to shape our reality according to our will, just as God shapes it to His, or, better still, shape our reality according to His will.

It's complex, and much like the cults to take what is complex and boil it down to something simple.

I'll keep chewing on this. Cheers from the land of Oz.

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Like you, I love and value creativity. I've even written a preteen novel, Caro's Quest, in which part of her quest is figuring out what is real. The thing I have found about the New Age claim, "you create your own reality," is that it is stifling, anti-creative. It's built on denying reality. Da Vinci, imagining an airplane hundreds of years ago, did not start by denying that airplanes do not exist, gravity does not exist. His design starts from observation and then imagines - using reality - what might enable flight. In my piece I mention a New Age leader, Bob Proctor, who - from what I've read - seems to have died from not taking ivermectin (which would have meant taking reality into account) and therefore getting the virus, then getting standard treatment (which means denying the reality of the frequently deadly consequences of the standard mainstream treatment). Creative: people like Dr Zelenko and Pierre Kory who looked to reality, explored, experimented. Does this make sense to you?

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"Deceiving and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13)

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Elsa

Hi Elsa, I've been following you for at least a decade now right back when you were doing some great interviews about Islam and Islamification. The same problem persists with people now as it did then with people either unwilling or unable to face reality. There's got to be more to it. It can't just be social acceptance. It's either a personality defect, genetic disposition or just plain old cowardice. I haven't worked it out yet.

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Hi Sean, Great to hear we've been connected for at least a decade now. As for what's going on, tomorrow (or maybe Thursday) I will be writing on one of the people I admire most, Catherine Austin Fitts, who has a good chunk of the answer as to what is going on. I have what is probably a small bit of a solution: the program I'm creating, that I just mentioned, AWAKE IN A WORLD GONE "WOKE." Stay tuned. You may love it. Hope so!!

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You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it think.

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One answer: very funny. Another answer: it depends on the horse. I know a bunch of people who have gotten some people to think.

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Hmmm... Just confirmed my observations that most "New Age rs" are just Woke as heck.

Any caper that has leaders & followers is just a variation of sheeple.

The fact that these "leaders" hold such power over their followers is astounding & now gone over into tragic.

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022Author

Agreed. It was long a huge frustration for me, this blindness of New Agers to the importance of paying attention to reality. Another point: my guess is that the New Age leaders have been allowed to reach millions because the Predator Class (the Nasties) appreciate the New Age blindness to reality. In other words, without awareness, the New Age leaders disseminate the kind of poison appreciated by the Predator Class.

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