Who are the bankers? And who owns what? Plus at the end, what’s the good of this info? As you will see, when it comes to control, it’s a small small world. The answer to who are the bankers and who owns what comes from the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World.
What a great way to put it. So many of us get stuck with the information and end up frozen with no clue of what to do other than share the info usually with like minded people.
it used to be the fodder of conspiracy theorists to say, "If you don't read the traditional newspapers or watch the MSM you are uninformed, but if you do read or watch them you are misinformed", but now has become more accurate every day. Conspiracies have been conducted for centuries, so those who become convinced of them could hardly be accurately accused of being a theorist. For years, I had a friend who told me about the bankers' desire to collapse our economy and named names which in some circles are connected with the ills of our economy, and thought although I knew him to be a really smart guy, thought he was going off the "reservation" with his ideas. Today, I see his comments as being prescient, as these people are being exposed as enemies of mankind.
Something important for me. I don't need to read or watch MSM stuff first-hand. I can find out about the MSM narratives through the alternative media. Sometimes, actually, I need a dose of the MSM to truly believe how far the narrative is from events - as happened with the Truckers Freedom Convoy, where I had first-hand experience by visiting Ottawa, and heard an entirely different account in the MSM. The MSM, from my experience with a few 5-min doses, is dangerous, deliberately sucking people into believing patent falsehoods.
Interesting story about you and your friend, with him far ahead of you in terms of what he knew about the bankers and the plan to collapse the economy. I wonder: are you now way in advance of some of your friends?
It infuriates me. So I can only take a dose of a minute or so. So patently false. But sometimes I need that. Because otherwise I stop believing it could possibly exist.
The other 6% are more than just the 6%. The ugly women pseudo security at TJ Maxx that haughtily demanded you wear a mask over your nose and mouth in order to enter the store even after you say you can’t breathe while wearing one. They enjoyed having power over another person even at such a low level. How many turn into impetuous tyrants when given authority? Middle management is ripe with these.
Have you read (or listened to) Political Ponerology. 6% is the % of the pop the author finds is without empathy. They can be everywhere. Definitely in "security." They gravitate to those positions of power-over where lack of empathy is a plus. They love power and control - in big positions and small.
I also have a long experience as an adult, plus my considerable experience before that as a child. The 6% - those he experienced as having no CAPACITY for empathy - those who, for instance, once hooked into the pathological Stalinist mindset could not be reached. I suggest you read or listen to at least chapter 4. Or maybe that was chapter 1 or 2. (They're blurring for me.)
NPC (meme) - Wikipedia - NPC derived from non-player character, is an internet meme that represents people who do not think for themselves or do not make their own decisions; .... THAT DOES NOT MEAN THEY LACK THE CAPACITY FOR EMPATHY. Anyway, we've each made our points.
I am to suspect that you have experience of the USSR, Elsa? I've some good Polish friends who survived under that regime - their experience is priceless.
I'm Austrian in background. I know that with the current psy-op, Eastern Europeans came out in protest out of all proportion to their numbers. They knew what was going on. Plus I've cared, since about age 12, about why movements that sound good turn out horrific - like the French and Russian Revolutions. I didn't spend time in the USSR, but I read the Gulag Archipelago and lots more on living in the USSR. I'm just remembering scenes from A Day in the Life of Ivan Ivanovitch. (Not sure of the name of the movie.) WOW!! Just noticed that you write AUSTRIAN's Newsletter!!!
Oh yes - don't be fooled - I am a Brit but I subscribe to Austrian Economics (the alternative to the current Keynesian system), which is causing all our problems; it only works if economies are expanding; but we have been in contraction since 2000 (don't rely on the published stats - they are fiddled). The real figures are published here: http://www.shadowstats.com/
The most important step to take is to stop using their money. Hold all your wealth in non-monetary assets and those that do not depend on money for their value (e.g. stocks and bonds). Then adopt alternative monetary systems, i.e. accept payment for your goods and services in other things than money. Even local barter will work if you're sceptical of other tokens of value. But physical gold and silver work too. Go a step further and protect your intellectual capital. If you can, work for yourself, not a corporation.
There is an alternative to the banks in crypto currency. Bitcoin was the first and the only truly decentralized crypto. The banks fear the rise of bitcoin and they are doing their best to head off it’s general acceptance. Read the book The Bitcoin Standard as a good beginner reference.
I watched a whole series on bitcoin and the whole crypto currency developments. Excellent as an introduction. I came to the conclusion I was still had way too little knowledge to feel safe experimenting. More important, I did not have the time it would take. Thinking: that's a passion. Creative stuff: another passion. Writing, doing videos, doing visuals: more passions. I gather you have more of a passion for crypto.
Not really, but I can see how things are going with CBDCs and digital IDs - basically total control of the money. Bitcoin is a truly decentralized crypto currency that promises to be a way to take back control of our money. The Bitcoin Standard is well worth reading.
I thought Bitcoin Core ($BTC) was a way out of the system, but unfortunately I was wrong. $BTC can be censored as we saw first hand with the Freedom Convoy truckers in Canada. Ever since that day I've been searching for another alternative, a crypto project that is PRIVATE and 100% FUNGIBLE coins (meaning coins can't be tainted, tracked or censored). Please do your own research and look into Epic Cash. Twitter: @EpicCashTech
It's good to know, Elsa, who the enemy is because unless we understand them and how they operate: As Sun Tzu wisely advises: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle"
But more importantly we need to know the nature of their weapons and their weaknesses before we can build a strategy to either defeat them or avoid them. Sun Tzu advises further: "If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant."
These are my intentions which I have written about for some 20 years - we are slowly getting there but if others have alternatives, I am all eyes and ears.
Thanks Elsa for posting this. I thought Bitcoin Core ($BTC) was a way out of the system, but unfortunately I was wrong. $BTC can be censored as we saw first hand with the Freedom Convoy truckers in Canada. Ever since that day I've been searching for another alternative, a crypto project that is PRIVATE and 100% FUNGIBLE coins (meaning coins can't be tainted, tracked or censored). Please do your own research, but look into Epic Cash. Twitter: @EpicCashTech
I've just answered to someone else. On Substack, there's currently a course on blockchain from someone excellent, Joel Smalley from Planet Decentral. I haven't taken it. I've learned so much about economics these past few years - G Edward Griffin, Catherine Austin Fitts, etc. It's still something quite alien to me.
Thank you for the reference to Pick Up Sticks! A childhood favorite. When I lived in Southern California my favorite restaurant was STIX in Laguna Niguel. They were very popular and later opened a satellite location for pick up only, and they called it Pick Up STIX😂😜. I loved it!
What are your favorite alternative news sources, alternative entertainment sources?
I quit all sources of news except for Fox News a few years ago. Now I’ve also quit Fox News. I get all of my news and articles on Substack. Which now includes you Elsa! (I read several articles before deciding to be a paid subscriber, just so you know…)
Canada: Canada Free Press (so much great stuff, also covering the rest of the world), Act4Canada (weekly sendout covering the whole world - excellent - from a friend); Counter Signal, Rebel News, Action4Canada (great weekly action online meeting), Strong and Free Canada, Spencer Fernando (for what's going on in guv). Yes, clearly I have a focus on Canada.
US: my favorite (for years) is The Last Refuge. I also subscribe to Stew Peters, Mike Lindell, True the Vote. I know there are more, but these come to mind.
And like you, I have a bunch of favorites on Substack - just an amazing place!!!
What a great way to put it. So many of us get stuck with the information and end up frozen with no clue of what to do other than share the info usually with like minded people.
Agreed. The important thing is to use the energy for more than sharing and sharing some more. That's harder but more productive!
it used to be the fodder of conspiracy theorists to say, "If you don't read the traditional newspapers or watch the MSM you are uninformed, but if you do read or watch them you are misinformed", but now has become more accurate every day. Conspiracies have been conducted for centuries, so those who become convinced of them could hardly be accurately accused of being a theorist. For years, I had a friend who told me about the bankers' desire to collapse our economy and named names which in some circles are connected with the ills of our economy, and thought although I knew him to be a really smart guy, thought he was going off the "reservation" with his ideas. Today, I see his comments as being prescient, as these people are being exposed as enemies of mankind.
Something important for me. I don't need to read or watch MSM stuff first-hand. I can find out about the MSM narratives through the alternative media. Sometimes, actually, I need a dose of the MSM to truly believe how far the narrative is from events - as happened with the Truckers Freedom Convoy, where I had first-hand experience by visiting Ottawa, and heard an entirely different account in the MSM. The MSM, from my experience with a few 5-min doses, is dangerous, deliberately sucking people into believing patent falsehoods.
Interesting story about you and your friend, with him far ahead of you in terms of what he knew about the bankers and the plan to collapse the economy. I wonder: are you now way in advance of some of your friends?
Within seconds of watching or hearing MSM, I want to puke! I literally cannot stomach it.
It infuriates me. So I can only take a dose of a minute or so. So patently false. But sometimes I need that. Because otherwise I stop believing it could possibly exist.
The other 6% are more than just the 6%. The ugly women pseudo security at TJ Maxx that haughtily demanded you wear a mask over your nose and mouth in order to enter the store even after you say you can’t breathe while wearing one. They enjoyed having power over another person even at such a low level. How many turn into impetuous tyrants when given authority? Middle management is ripe with these.
Have you read (or listened to) Political Ponerology. 6% is the % of the pop the author finds is without empathy. They can be everywhere. Definitely in "security." They gravitate to those positions of power-over where lack of empathy is a plus. They love power and control - in big positions and small.
Have not read it. I do have 40 years experience as an adult and I have seen much less empathy than the 94% that author posits.
I also have a long experience as an adult, plus my considerable experience before that as a child. The 6% - those he experienced as having no CAPACITY for empathy - those who, for instance, once hooked into the pathological Stalinist mindset could not be reached. I suggest you read or listen to at least chapter 4. Or maybe that was chapter 1 or 2. (They're blurring for me.)
Over half of all people are NPCs.
NPC (meme) - Wikipedia - NPC derived from non-player character, is an internet meme that represents people who do not think for themselves or do not make their own decisions; .... THAT DOES NOT MEAN THEY LACK THE CAPACITY FOR EMPATHY. Anyway, we've each made our points.
Wiki is CIA - beware PsyOp but it's good for creative history :-)
I am to suspect that you have experience of the USSR, Elsa? I've some good Polish friends who survived under that regime - their experience is priceless.
I'm Austrian in background. I know that with the current psy-op, Eastern Europeans came out in protest out of all proportion to their numbers. They knew what was going on. Plus I've cared, since about age 12, about why movements that sound good turn out horrific - like the French and Russian Revolutions. I didn't spend time in the USSR, but I read the Gulag Archipelago and lots more on living in the USSR. I'm just remembering scenes from A Day in the Life of Ivan Ivanovitch. (Not sure of the name of the movie.) WOW!! Just noticed that you write AUSTRIAN's Newsletter!!!
Oh yes - don't be fooled - I am a Brit but I subscribe to Austrian Economics (the alternative to the current Keynesian system), which is causing all our problems; it only works if economies are expanding; but we have been in contraction since 2000 (don't rely on the published stats - they are fiddled). The real figures are published here: http://www.shadowstats.com/
Anyway, the global financial system is gradually collapsing - I wrote my dissertation about it, published here as an e-book: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358117070_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_1_-_4th_Edition_2020
Here is an article explaining why we have entered an economic negative growth paradigm until they find a way to fix it permanently: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-the-end?s=w
The most important step to take is to stop using their money. Hold all your wealth in non-monetary assets and those that do not depend on money for their value (e.g. stocks and bonds). Then adopt alternative monetary systems, i.e. accept payment for your goods and services in other things than money. Even local barter will work if you're sceptical of other tokens of value. But physical gold and silver work too. Go a step further and protect your intellectual capital. If you can, work for yourself, not a corporation.
Yes indeed Joel - fly it from a crop-duster :-) https://globalwalkout.com/keepcashalive/
There is an alternative to the banks in crypto currency. Bitcoin was the first and the only truly decentralized crypto. The banks fear the rise of bitcoin and they are doing their best to head off it’s general acceptance. Read the book The Bitcoin Standard as a good beginner reference.
I watched a whole series on bitcoin and the whole crypto currency developments. Excellent as an introduction. I came to the conclusion I was still had way too little knowledge to feel safe experimenting. More important, I did not have the time it would take. Thinking: that's a passion. Creative stuff: another passion. Writing, doing videos, doing visuals: more passions. I gather you have more of a passion for crypto.
Not really, but I can see how things are going with CBDCs and digital IDs - basically total control of the money. Bitcoin is a truly decentralized crypto currency that promises to be a way to take back control of our money. The Bitcoin Standard is well worth reading.
But it does depend on electricity Rob and lots of it. Not insurmountable but a dependency nonetheless.
I thought Bitcoin Core ($BTC) was a way out of the system, but unfortunately I was wrong. $BTC can be censored as we saw first hand with the Freedom Convoy truckers in Canada. Ever since that day I've been searching for another alternative, a crypto project that is PRIVATE and 100% FUNGIBLE coins (meaning coins can't be tainted, tracked or censored). Please do your own research and look into Epic Cash. Twitter: @EpicCashTech
On Substack, there's currently a course on blockchain from someone excellent, Joel Smalley from Planet Decentral.
Banks are building new branch buildings quickly in the emerging 15 minute “smart” cities.
It's good to know, Elsa, who the enemy is because unless we understand them and how they operate: As Sun Tzu wisely advises: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle"
But more importantly we need to know the nature of their weapons and their weaknesses before we can build a strategy to either defeat them or avoid them. Sun Tzu advises further: "If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant."
Here we have some clues as to the direct of attack or rather avoidance, because we know the enemy is powerful, having prevailed for centuries. And you are right to point at one of their weapons - oblique PsyOp: https://www.intelligence101.com/psyops-the-ultimate-guide-to-psychological-operations-psyops/
But I believe their greatest weakness is their absolute need for compliance and adoration. My first weapon of choice is thus: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-special-36e?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email but this is a complex tool that needs people to be engaged and this depends on knowledge, belief and faith. We have a long way to go on this one IMHO.
The next weapon of choice is 'avoidance' by creating supportive local economies, not as solitary units, but networked for mutual advantage: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-localisation?s=w
And networking on Substack will grown support from like minds. Seymour Hersh answers this proposition: https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/why-substack
These are my intentions which I have written about for some 20 years - we are slowly getting there but if others have alternatives, I am all eyes and ears.
Thank you for this. Excellent, starting with the great quotes from The Art of War.
Thanks Elsa for posting this. I thought Bitcoin Core ($BTC) was a way out of the system, but unfortunately I was wrong. $BTC can be censored as we saw first hand with the Freedom Convoy truckers in Canada. Ever since that day I've been searching for another alternative, a crypto project that is PRIVATE and 100% FUNGIBLE coins (meaning coins can't be tainted, tracked or censored). Please do your own research, but look into Epic Cash. Twitter: @EpicCashTech
I've just answered to someone else. On Substack, there's currently a course on blockchain from someone excellent, Joel Smalley from Planet Decentral. I haven't taken it. I've learned so much about economics these past few years - G Edward Griffin, Catherine Austin Fitts, etc. It's still something quite alien to me.
Thank you for the reference to Pick Up Sticks! A childhood favorite. When I lived in Southern California my favorite restaurant was STIX in Laguna Niguel. They were very popular and later opened a satellite location for pick up only, and they called it Pick Up STIX😂😜. I loved it!
Me too, I loved Pick Up Sticks!
What are your favorite alternative news sources, alternative entertainment sources?
I quit all sources of news except for Fox News a few years ago. Now I’ve also quit Fox News. I get all of my news and articles on Substack. Which now includes you Elsa! (I read several articles before deciding to be a paid subscriber, just so you know…)
I'm delighted you're including me.
Now, alternative sources.
Canada: Canada Free Press (so much great stuff, also covering the rest of the world), Act4Canada (weekly sendout covering the whole world - excellent - from a friend); Counter Signal, Rebel News, Action4Canada (great weekly action online meeting), Strong and Free Canada, Spencer Fernando (for what's going on in guv). Yes, clearly I have a focus on Canada.
US: my favorite (for years) is The Last Refuge. I also subscribe to Stew Peters, Mike Lindell, True the Vote. I know there are more, but these come to mind.
And like you, I have a bunch of favorites on Substack - just an amazing place!!!