Sep 30Liked by Elsa

I loved your story - thanks!

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What a lovely miracle! What a lovely story! I could really identify, having been given similar opportunities a few times in my life., but never a butterfly.

Those of us who wish to nurture life are truly blessed to be able to feel this way, motivated to save life, an integral part of ourselves 'needing' to be this way. One receives great joy that way, heartbreak too, but what the heck! It's great!

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Agreed. "One receives great joy that way, heartbreak too, but what the heck! It's great!"

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a "wondersome" tale an' that butterfly was..."utterfly'ably" beautiful too. There are miracles in life--things for which there is no other explanation--so first we must notice 'em! observe, appreciate the gift of livin' in a world where (in spite of whatever strife & mayhem exist) that there are such things of wonder & beauty... an' of course we can take'in such feelins'--into our hearts which expand which each experience like this--AND expand further in the tellin' an' the sharin' too!

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Amazing, isn't it, how our hearts expand with each experience like this--AND expand further in the tellin' an' the sharin' too!

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Beautiful story

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Sep 28Liked by Elsa

Thank you for telling us about your lovely and serendipitous experience!

I've rescued several bumble bees over time, and each time felt on some level the help was recognized.

Helped a large black wasp once, I could sense he was absolutely amazed I was helping him. Keep up the great work Elsa!!!!

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You too, Frances. Helping a wasp!! Small wonder he was absolutely amazed.

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Sep 28Liked by Elsa

Yes! When I picked him up I could feel a certain resignation from him. Sort of a, "So THIS is to be my end."

As I placed him down very carefully in a safe spot on a sun drenched rock, I felt a jolt. I think he was shocked by his luck :)

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Yes, occasionally there be a miracle, Elsa. Today, after 41 years of publishing, I published an article that I consider a miracle. It is about a person, John, who is somewhat like your butterfly, at least in terms of his delicate chance of survival. He is the "secret son" of the assassinated JFK. Kindly suspend disbelief long enough to read it. And If anyone can help get the word out, I would appreciate it. Surely John's life is in danger "on that firewood log." -- https://gumshoenews.com/the-amazing-new-son-of-kennedy-a-thrill-of-justice/

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I have now read the full article. It fits with so much - like that we don't know who is who, who is real, who is "person" #3 or #4. I will see how I can work this in with that bigger story.

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Dear Elsa, Thank you for sharing your butterfly adventure! Your sweet rescue was a Black Swallowtail and I am so glad to hear how it affected you so deeply. I'm an entomologist and love these amazing 'twice-born' species (first as a caterpillar and then as a butterfly). Our insect population globally are in trouble because of the incessant pesticide, & herbicide spraying, as well as the ongoing habitat destruction. We need insects not only to pollinate our world, but also to nurture the soils that support our crops, and the trees that provide us with oxygen. Nature has an incredible cycle of life and the insects of this planet are just small mirrors to display that. Here's the most recent open-access overview of insect declines: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1155/2024/5998962.

BLESSINGS and more blessings for you!

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Like you, I find it devastating, the destruction of insect wildlife, in the name of ... I don't know what. I remember fields at night with thousands of fireflies. Now, close to none. I remember windshields splattered with insects. Now, none or almost none. And of course millions of birds starved. So important, getting awareness out about this. Thank you for all you do.

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Thank you Sandy & Elsa:

In Longview, WA in the county where I live, we have "lost" snakes, most mosquitoes, flies,Oregon slugs because of spraying by the county, I have almost been jailed, sent official letters that my house would be fined etc. for trying to stop the war by man against nature. It is a sad political problem. Have you read how Hitler nurtured nature? Sadly he tried to kill lice to save humans, but the liars say Zyklon B was used on them.

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Beautiful, thanks

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