ASS BACKWARDS. The Law of Perception needs to be #1. NOT The Law of Attraction. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
I created my own model for personal development, Full Flourishing, in good measure in response to the New Age-y mania about the Law of Attraction.
Other things also did not work for me in the New Age-y approach: the stress on Finding your Vision and Living from Your Vision, on Being Pulled by Your Vision. Then there was the emphasis on Finding Your Purpose, and Having a Purpose-Driven Life.
Sure, all fine. Having a vision matters. So does doing what feels meaningful to us, having a life that feels meaningful to us.
But not as the starting points.
I hold - from masses of evidence - that the emphasis on the so-called Law of Attraction (and the emphasis on vision and purpose) obscures, covers, hides, something far more important: The Law of Perception.
In other words, it’s ass backwards. Start with perceiving the many things you may be perceiving. What’s around you? What’s happening? What are the media messages? What about inside you? What angers you? What do you desire? What does not work for you? What feels all wrong? What do you care about?
I hold that the Law of Perception is foundational.
The Law of Perception is basic to Full Flourishing.
It’s the starting point. And then there is the Law of Exploration, a.k.a., the Law of Investigation. That’s following by the Law of Fact-Acceptance - meaning, we accept this is really so - always being open to further perceiving.
Of course having a vision matters, and of course our beliefs matter. But we truth tellers are so dangerous to the Global Predators, not because we have a vision of the future and we believe we can get to that vision, but because we perceive, we explore and investigate, and then we accept facts - while staying open to more perceiving, more exploring and investigating, and more fact-acceptance.
Reiner Fuellmich is in prison in Germany, not because he has a vision, either utopian or dystopian - but because he has been open to perceiving what is going on, because he has brought together masses of fact-centered, exploration-centered people, because he has believed the evidence that has been amassed. Even more, he has helped thousands upon thousands of people worldwide make sense of what is going on, perceive what is going on, explore what is going on, accept facts, including about PCR tests, about the injections, about the Global Predators (the term used by Peter and Ginger Breggin, among the many people he has interviewed).
Why is Julien Assange in prison? He has given out information - facts.
What has, with the so-called pandemic, gotten doctors in various countries to lose their license? It’s not that they’ve had a vision of the future. It’s that they perceived facts - like about the effectiveness of HCQ and ivermectin, And also that they were not willing to deny their perceptions, instead acted on them. They have had the courage to speak and act, to prescribe medication where there was massive evidence of its effectiveness. No reality-denial.
The Law of Perception is vital to the general approach of Full Flourishing.
Here’s a bit more on the approach: A.C.E. - Awareness, Caring, Engagement.
Awareness - meaning, what are you perceiving - not just outside yourself but inside yourself?
Caring - meaning, which of your perceptions do you care about? How much do you care? What do you care about most? Again, we are perceiving - in this case perceiving what we care about.
From perception and caring, the move is to engagement - meaning, what do you do with perceptions you care about? Do you dismiss them? Nourish them? Deny them? Avoid them? Engaging with one’s perceptions means exploring, thinking, feeling, investigating, reaching out to others, taking action. Here is where people are most often stuck - often not perceiving what they can do.
You may notice that there has not been a call to: Stop, wait, slow down, what’s your vision, what’s attracting you, what’s your life purpose.
All those are fine. But the starting point is perception and caring and engagement - an action that it feels right to do and is also possible, so that we move toward ever greater flourishing.
That’s the Full Flourishing Formula.
An overview of the Law of Perception:
- perceiving both outer conditions and inner state. Facts and realities are considered vital, rather than, frequently, being treated as impediments to the focus on some Vision, some so-called Higher Truth.
- accepting what one perceives, rather than denying;
- increasing perception;
- thinking, that is, using reason and logic about one’s perceptions. This includes thinking about our feelings, our emotional responses;
- from the foundation of perception, taking action - taking small steps - in one’s personal world and the larger civic world. These actions include attention to our responses, which include the fight/flight/freeze/fawn response and other unhelpful responses, and finding and implementing strategies for living well while recognizing difficult realities.
Where does the Law of Attraction fit into this? Yes, developing and holding a vision may help us. But being stuck on the vision may also block us from paying attention to perceiving and taking effective action.
The Law of Perception may not sound as alluring as The Law of Attraction, heralded in the alluringly-titled film, The Secret.
But this isn’t a magic formula, a secret sauce. Full Flourishing is reality-based, perception-based, and moves from there. It’s a recipe, like the recipe for survival Laurence Gonzales comes to, through the survival stories he documents.
I will be coming to Gonzales’ 12 Rules for Survival. A breath of b=fresh air for me.They made sense to me.
But first …
Why the huge attention to the self-styled Law of Attraction, and the disregard for the Law of Perception - which isn’t even known to many people?
My sense is that the focus on one’s vision serves the Global Predators.
They don’t want us perceiving what is going on.
They certainly don’t want us to know their power and control, the brain-washing, the web of poisonous “narratives.”
So, presto, the so-called Law of Attraction gets loads of attention. It comes up in Google searches, gets celebrity attention, media attention.
Don’t look at how the world is set up. Don’t pay attention to accurately perceiving. If things aren’t going as well as you’d like, it’s just that you’re just not attracting well enough.
Again, of course vision counts.
But you ignore the Law of Perception at your own peril.
I had a Eureka! moment when I came across Laurence Gonzales’ 12 Rules for Survival. He so clearly shared my sense of what is core for survival. In fact he has come to 12 rules. He bases his rules on actual cases of people who have survived extreme situations - like being stranded high up in the Andes, the only survivor of an airplane crash, no warm clothing, no chance of rescue.
His Rule Number 1: Perceive and Believe.
My response: Yes, yes, yes!!!!
Actually, I see that perceiving and believing - both essential - in many cases are widely separated in time, though less so in extreme situations. But I agree that both are needed to get to Rule #2 and onward, which you can read here..
So, back to my starting point.
What is happening in the mainstream is, as is not surprising, ASS BACKWARDS. If you’d like to survive the current dangerous situation, Rule #1 is far from the Law of Attraction.
Law #1: The Law of Perception.
That’s how Judy Wood came to her conclusion about what happened to the World Trade Centers - she looked at the evidence.
In fact, I suggest you take the second step as well: believe what you perceive.
That’s what Judy Wood did. She believed the facts, the evidence.
A great starting point.
By the way, if you appreciate this approach, you might be interested in my model of personal development. It starts with:
The drive to flourish fully is as natural
as the everyday hunger for food.
But so many of us aren't flourishing.
We move on to: what are you aware of, that doesn’t feel right? What feels like the biggest thing holding you from flourishing? How much do you care? Do you care enough to engage, to see if there’s some step you could take?
If you’re one of those people aware that you’re not flourishing, longing to more, feeling life could be more, you’re welcome to email me for a 20-minute Discovery Call:
Posted December 5, 2023
Very well perceived, and well written my dear. How long is Reiner’s sentence in prison? And doesn’t he have other lawyer friends who can get him out? What was the actual crime he committed?
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your perception, My perception of my life right now in New York City going to very specialized stereotactic targeted radiation surgery three times a week for four weeks is quite a reality check. this is not even guaranteeing any longevity because I’m dealing with the perception of doctors who say they are just “ buying me time “. I need to tackle the perception of other cancers that are physically, real, but just a perception of the mind/my unconscious mind that created them. Hence the book I’m writing, on transcending trauma triggers: a quantum spiritual cancer healing journey
I guess my perception of the greater world outside of my own is limited at this time, but I certainly have been aware of everything you write about, and I appreciate you helping others to change from manifesting realities to perceiving realities. I’ve been caught in the manifesting web for too long although I am very good at it And I also agree, the New Age model does not always create a fulfilling life. Many blessings and gratitude for your lovely work.
Great work. Everyone should be encouraged to create their own models, according to their vision and perception as a basic step in countering systematically programmed perception. Your model here for gaining perspective on the New Age-y programmed reality is significant. My new age-yness has seen what was an exploration for truth be infiltrated in many podcasts by promoted leaders in the new movement, by elite agenda sponsorship and messaging. A lot of new-agers thought and still think Trump is the devil and Obama at least represents the "consciousness" of caring for one another and the planet. The truth is neither of these two Presidents has performed under the Constitution in government service, outside of significant elite criminal influence and funding. But all beliefs can be induced into participating in a pre-programmed political system where people like Reiner Fuelmich are in prison over a bookkeeping discrepancy while Trump and Obama are free to be role models, inducing people into programmed political conflicts, where the outcome is already determined.
The political actors and interests trapped in the political system fear us and Reiner because our efforts take real politics and people's political energy out of the left-right party system, weakening it and exposing flaws within it by denying energy to it, to project the power necessary to obscure those flaws.
This harmless action of increasing our knowledge and developing informational, political, and legal assets outside of the system naturally cripples any system, which is based on a calculable finite number of managed, potential, and available resources. This makes us a threat and target.
The only difference in the current stature of Trump, Obama, and Reiner is public perception of their significance and existence. The system currently has the power and is projecting energy to obscure Reiner's existence and significance, and now seeks to further disrupt Reiner's legal significance publicly. The energy used to obscure and criminalize him is naturally magnetized or attracted to us. This energy can be captured, and if skillfully managed, can be used to increase public awareness of his existence, and significance.