New Zealand Whistleblower Arrested


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This video link is about New Zealand's own government data that was collected regarding the death rate of those who were injected. You will want to listen to this .. and be sure to pass it on.

M.O.A.R. - Mother of all Revelations!


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I fully agree. This is in line with the Law of Perception: pay attention to reality - a horrifying reality, in this case.

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Elsa you are a gem.

Thank you


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This is great thinking! I always hated that book… the secrets. And all this voodoo bring wealth thingy cause it prevents us from reality. Your idea includes that reality. its a more refine way of the secrets. I especialy love the ACE part to ace the subject 😉

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using surveillance cams, saw the 'nabes' have set up pressure lines releasing tiny gel floating particles, further research indicates https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-66376-6_10 , at large a large syndicate trafficking us into usual fake health care, mental facilities, the usual suspects

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Great work. Everyone should be encouraged to create their own models, according to their vision and perception as a basic step in countering systematically programmed perception. Your model here for gaining perspective on the New Age-y programmed reality is significant. My new age-yness has seen what was an exploration for truth be infiltrated in many podcasts by promoted leaders in the new movement, by elite agenda sponsorship and messaging. A lot of new-agers thought and still think Trump is the devil and Obama at least represents the "consciousness" of caring for one another and the planet. The truth is neither of these two Presidents has performed under the Constitution in government service, outside of significant elite criminal influence and funding. But all beliefs can be induced into participating in a pre-programmed political system where people like Reiner Fuelmich are in prison over a bookkeeping discrepancy while Trump and Obama are free to be role models, inducing people into programmed political conflicts, where the outcome is already determined.

The political actors and interests trapped in the political system fear us and Reiner because our efforts take real politics and people's political energy out of the left-right party system, weakening it and exposing flaws within it by denying energy to it, to project the power necessary to obscure those flaws.

This harmless action of increasing our knowledge and developing informational, political, and legal assets outside of the system naturally cripples any system, which is based on a calculable finite number of managed, potential, and available resources. This makes us a threat and target.

The only difference in the current stature of Trump, Obama, and Reiner is public perception of their significance and existence. The system currently has the power and is projecting energy to obscure Reiner's existence and significance, and now seeks to further disrupt Reiner's legal significance publicly. The energy used to obscure and criminalize him is naturally magnetized or attracted to us. This energy can be captured, and if skillfully managed, can be used to increase public awareness of his existence, and significance.

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It is interesting what can be done with energy!!

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I agree with this. The New Age seems to be harvesting the good intention in people in a way that further disconnects with reality on the ground. I would say the same about many of the voices in the Resistance. No talk of dangerous exposures. No talk of unaccountable corporations. No acknowledgment of the ionization of the atmosphere, and extensive microwaving and poisoning of people and planet. These are facts. Most--even the smartest among us--are not yet perceiving them in a valid, comprehensive, potentially productive manner. Thank you, Elsa. Good stuff.

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Glad you appreciate this.

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Very well perceived, and well written my dear. How long is Reiner’s sentence in prison? And doesn’t he have other lawyer friends who can get him out? What was the actual crime he committed?

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your perception, My perception of my life right now in New York City going to very specialized stereotactic targeted radiation surgery three times a week for four weeks is quite a reality check. this is not even guaranteeing any longevity because I’m dealing with the perception of doctors who say they are just “ buying me time “. I need to tackle the perception of other cancers that are physically, real, but just a perception of the mind/my unconscious mind that created them. Hence the book I’m writing, on transcending trauma triggers: a quantum spiritual cancer healing journey

I guess my perception of the greater world outside of my own is limited at this time, but I certainly have been aware of everything you write about, and I appreciate you helping others to change from manifesting realities to perceiving realities. I’ve been caught in the manifesting web for too long although I am very good at it And I also agree, the New Age model does not always create a fulfilling life. Many blessings and gratitude for your lovely work.

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Hi Edna I think it would be good to check out

Dr. Lee Merritt about parasite cleanse and what she says about cancer she gives her protocol and does a really good job explaining parasites. Well worth watching!


The other thing that I would highly recommend is checking out Urotherapy. It has been known to cure so many things including Cancer. And it's FEE

Here are some links

Interesting Q&A re Urotherapy with Dr Edward Group


Another Interview with Dr Edward Group


https://drgroup.com/videos/ his official site

several excellent videos with Dr Groups on the truth about cancer site


One other thing that you might consider is Caster Oil Packs

Great Video from From Dr Barbara O'Neil


Hope you find this helpful! All the best!

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I believe you have gotten the messages below, about Fenbendazole in conjunction with Ivermectin.

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Greetings Edna .. you might find interesting some research/discussion about the use of Ivermectin in relation to Cancer treatment. One of the great things about the internet is the ability to connect with many resources .. learn how to fix things .. as well as pass info onto others. First research Ivermectin and learn it's history .. then look up "The Vigilant Fox" .. on substack and other media on this topic (Ivermectin and cancer). <--this is an area I need to learn more about myself .. juggling a lot. All the best! <3

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Fenbendazole has also been used successfully. Frankly, I think anything is better than radiation and "standard of care"....sending healing prayers to all who are injured every night; you're on the list.


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Yes, Fenbendazole is what I had forgotten. Thank you for mentioning.

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You're welcome! & I agree, Perception is first. Blessings to you for helping Reiner, too.

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Thank you. I also remember there was a combination of ivermectin and something else. Yes, Edna, do look into this.

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Hi Edna, I sorry for what you are needing to deal with, and glad you keep taking such active initiatives. All the very very best to you, always.

Then, I sent an email to you about the community you expressed interets in, but it bounced back. Is there an email address where you're sure to get what is sent to you?

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