A new book coming out from the editor-in-chief of Breitbart indicates that this is so. I have, like many let myself be fooled by his act. Not that he isn't the buffoon we see, but he is also something we don't see. He is more of a Neville Chamberlain, than a dealing, harmless clown. NC was not the cringing appeaser he has been painted as by so many historians. He was arrogant and narrow-minded, he was his own foreign secretary, and he virtually ignored Anthony Eden. Munich was a disaster he walked into with his eyes wide shut. Biden is the same way and this new book makes the case that we have been looking at him the wrong way. I accept that conclusion, with some little chagrin.

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Great you are learning.

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Michael Obama (nee Robinson) and Gavin Newsom WILL be the Democrat ticket for 2024. Take this one to the bank!

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🤮 But correct!

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Wouldn't surprise me.

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Thank you, Elsa. I'll be watching today. Also thank you for reading my poems. One coming soon is a response, "How I Stand Up." I'm in agreement about truth-telling, such as being willing to write and post your truth.

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we can't not address the Bidens' corruption. but you're right, it's only one of many threads that need to be pulled at to expose the underlying web of deceit and falsehoods. big TQ for the links and mentioning filmmaker Joel Gilbert!

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Elsa

Michael Obama will be the only potential candidate with an actual, functioning dick.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Liked by Elsa

For us here it will be the underlining truth as to purpose and intent really. Who does what work and why. Trading like-for-like only means the process is not what it appears so the result will be more of the same or worse in terms of changes some of us are in the battles for.

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