This is an invitation.
A question has been coming and going in my mind: how do I bring you along on this amazing journey, this adventure I’m having?
Some people are pulled to write of the life they’ve had. Their childhood. Their most powerful experiences. I’ve loved reading many autobiographies, have gone along on many of those journeys.
Something in me wants to bring you along on something else.
These days, when awake people meet, many share how they came to be awake. I’m always interested. I’m tempted to tell my own story.
But that would get me off the track that’s pulling me.
Something in me wants to bring you along on something else: the life I’m having, the adventures I’m living.
Lord of the Rings comes to mind. Good Frodo, with the help of the wise old wizard, with his two good friends, and with sundry others, faces the forces of massive monstrous evil - of Mordor, from slimy Smeagel to the army of Orcs. That’s one kind of adventure.
It’s so simple, in comparison to what we’re facing, to what I’m dealing with. Each of us is one of 8 billion or so people living with massive evil embedded all around, with forces out to end natural life on this planet.
I have a deep passion and commitment to doing what I can to save the planet from the evil, and also a deep commitment to myself - to my personal gifts, both creative gifts and a gift for good thinking, especially logic. I also care to help. Another deep passion is reaching people - reaching you. All around are other people who care - is it tens of thoudands? is it millions? - with their gifts, also intent on ending the forces of massive monstrous worldwide evil. I can see what some of the others are doing. Some of us are banded together. But in considerable part, we are each on a personal quest.
One in 8 billion. What can I do? There are millions of possibilities.
Frodo and his friends head for Mordor.
I’m standing at my stove - also known as my laptop - with various pots on various burners.
A big pot is on one side in the foreground. It’s for my efforts keeping people informed about what’s happening with two very different people: a major freedom-fighter, Reiner Fuellmich, wrongfully captured and imprisoned because those against him want him imprisoned; and an anybody, Ed Wackerman, captured and imprisoned because he happens to be the only convenient patsy. What’s in that pot is simmering quietly. There’s room for more in it.
Another pot, much smaller, has bubbled over recently. There’s mess on the stove, from facts and more facts about the USS Liberty being put into the pot, mixing with facts and fact-claims. A bunch of discarded fact-claims are shrivelling on the stove. I had never heard of the USS Liberty a couple of weeks ago, then watched a video, posted about I’d learned, and found myself facing a situation much more complex than, and quite different from, what I originally was told. I’m enjoying the exploration, especially as I’m getting lots of help from a super eager fact-digger. Yes, things have gotten a bit heated. But this is a glass-topped stove. Easy to clean up.
Simmering away is still another pot. It holds the evolving STORY about someone who happens to talk into an old second-hand bookstore and picks up a book of poetry. A book of love poetry is close to the pot, like someone might have chopped onions and carrots and mushrooms.
There’s also a shiny tiny pot, labelled JOURNEY. Almost nothing is in it.
Plus there’s a blur of other pots, some clean and ready to be used, and some messy and piled into each other. The kitchen counter could use a good cleaning.
Waiting patiently on the daybed nearby is my trusty dog, Riggs Wriggly, who knows he will get a walk eventually. Cats lounge around, curled up, dozing.
This is all so unlike Frodo setting out in the night with his friends, barely escaping evil riders.
And then, I’m inviting you to come along on this journey with me.
Frodo has no awareness that he’s a character in a book.
I’m very aware that there are readers and that I’m one of 8 billion.
Frodo takes on massive evil. Me too - but less directly. A big part of my quest is truth.
Frodo accomplishes something stupendously huge. I have the dream of being like Frodo in that way, doing something huge, something so very important.
But every time I send out a post, I’m happy. I’ve done what I can do now.
No one has been saying: do more, take on more. But there’s a push from inside me, like the push that got me, nine months ago, to have someone walk into a used bookstore. A STORY. 1. THE BEGINNING. By now I’ve sent out Chapter 101.
And now, this new adventure.
I almost never see more than one step ahead. Reiner gets arrested. I post the only information I can find. More than a year later, I’m still posting on what’s happening with him. I hear of Ed Wackerman. I contact him and post about that. Nine months later, I’m still posting. I want to get my poems more into the world. One morning “you” walks into a second-hand bookstore.
And now you’ve been invited along on this journey.
And then what happens?
We will see.
To be continued . . .
Posted December 28, 2024
Not sure what chopped carrots, onions and mushrooms had to do with the book of love poetry close to the pot. Is it profound like theological conundrum of the existence of evil and suffering in a world created by a good God? Well at least for believers. I am an awake atheist. I think two things Albert Camus said sum up my beliefs. "Life is meaningless, but worth living, provided you recognise it's meaningless." and "I know of only one duty, and that is to love." I accept your invitation to journey down the long and winding road you are about to embark on. It reminds me of the magical fairy tales my mother made up and told me. I hope we traverse an Arcadian landscape, replete with magical streams to drink from and cross, magical combs to brush our hair with and be guided by the sound of rustling leaves blown by the wonderous wind on river birches, to be renewed and purified.