Dr. Andrew Wakefield is good company along with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his newly formed ICIC. The others, will take deeper dive into. Thank you Elsa!

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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich no-doubt until otherwise proven is truth, proper!

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I so much appreciate the amazing people he interviews, and lets speak. I also appreciate his ever greater looking at the overall picture. It is not that he presents himself as having the truth. It is that he gives fabulous people a forum (and these are people already well known, though I may not know their work).

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So many voices drowned-out by msm but Dr. Fuellmich has been through the fire and though not yet out of he continues to fight for life for all. We've put out his latest with Matt Ehret which was amazing. Our work is to put the information out in smaller sizes in terms of video times, so like episodes. In this way we believe it reaches more and extends life of such invaluable info which carries direction and most times solutions in the technocratic abyss. Thank you for the response. Decent, humane, something we are lacking today given the experiences we have all had over the past years.

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I am glad you are there, and also others, sending the information further out to a wider audience. I listened to a recent interview with Matt Ehret. I believe there is an even more recent one. Reiner Fuellmich is one of my go-to people for people and information I don't know

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Really?! More recent than this? Would love links to if available? https://www.bitchute.com/video/QZGEqDIj1c3M/

Also Matt and Cynthia absolutely on-point thus far.

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That is the ultra recent one I haven't had the time to watch yet. This weekend, I believe. I've known of Ehret for years, but Reiner has pulled him back to mind.

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Just connected on Bitchute still taking in the website as well, will process it all to gain and share best way we know. Wow Elsa thank! Much to absorb however it is top priority to do so. Will endeavour to be there at 3 ET/8 UK cheers!

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Is this Michael Tellinger the same person that was studying the stone structures in Zimbabwe?

If so, my admiration knows no bounds for his thinking.

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I don't know. It sounds like another amazing person (if it's not the same amazing person). I doubt it's the same person. This person has put almost 2 decades into creating a viable "small town" that we can create in any community, with one central "ambassador" who takes on reaching out to people in the community, explaining, getting members. It's not against what exists. It's just about having our own structure within that community, so this structure continues even if, say, massive inflation outside.

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