Since Reiner’s arrest, October 13, 2023, I have been reporting on him. At first there was hunting for information, translating from German any scrap of information I could find. I had the utter conviction he would have to be released soon.
I already knew much about the allegations from him, from having interviewed him a couple of times. So he would have to be out by the end of November. Before Christmas.
Then the trial started. January 31, 2024. Several people were reporting in German. I posted translations from one person, then another, and also another. Courtroom witnesses came from hours away. A good friend flew in from Africa.
May 5, 2024. Reiner’s birthday. And Reiner suddenly in solitary confinement - as it turned out, it would be for month after month. The charges against him were changed. No more witnesses on his behalf were permitted. The judge let his preliminary judgement be known. I believe it was three years and nine months in prison. For nothing. And suddenly silence in the court room. Everything had to be in writing.
Everything changed for the worse.
A couple of people who had been doing ongoing reports dropped away. One person with a considerable Telegram presence was charged by someone else with something or other. I liked her.
Reiner had to live through this, is still having to live through it.
And as well as I can, I am reporting while being far away. A couple of people who have become friends send me things they find especially important. I very much appreciate the help.
It is not the urgent excitement of the start.
It is ongoing reporting, from the commitment to keep people informed as things happen.
There are many other things that pull my attention as well, from A Story (someone entering a used bookstore), to an account of an alien abduction which was, the person reported, the beginning of a four decades long developing relationship with these aliens.
I appreciate being able to do something for Reiner, such an amazing force for truth and justice. I am glad to stay with the commitment.
I very much appreciate everyone who follows my postings, who stays connected with Reiner through my posts or through anyone else’s updates.
Like everyone who cares about Reiner, I wish I could do more.
I am sure many of you have lived something similar, from initial shock to ongoing concern.
A big thing: it matters to me not to do less, not to let things slip.
That’s one reason I also occasionally post about Reiner from the past, interviewing or being interviewed - like this interview from shortly before his arrest:
Posted March 8, 2025
Thank you so much Elsa for your perseverance and work. JFK Junior was allied with Reiner. There was a difference of opinion only over PCR tests. JFK needs to call on the German ambassador to answer questions about a Californian attorney held outside of all legal precedent in Germany. Grant Reiner US citizenship and demand his repatriation. (This said, the Biden administration colluded with the German govt by cancelling Reiner's visa to the USA, leaving him stranded in Mexico, whence he was kidnapped.)
Thank you, Elsa, you are an angel. I have followed all your posts from the beginning and I have followed Reriner from his first podcast way back . I am saddened by his, and Ed's plights, but being so far away I cannot join in some of the local gatherings, but I am there with you all even if only in spirit.