RE: 9/11. Just watched a movie released on Oct 11,1996 "The Long Kiss Goodnight" where the C.I.A. was accused by another national security rep of initiating a large scale bombing to kill 4.000 people to justify securing more govt. funding and actually referenced the first WTC bombing.

This is a confirmation that if you want to know what plans our govt. has for us, just watch movies like this one. With what they are now doing this movie could have been a documentary.

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Hi! Im new to your substack, i listened and watch so many people since the past 3 years. And your the only one i saw link fuelmich miller and andrew jhonson(didnt knew this guy). But what amazed me is all the talk about hutchinston. Being canadian i was profondly interested in hutchinston work and boy did i got amaze to see this linked to 911 events.all this to say for a first view at ur content. You got right on the truth spot first. Im happy to have found you🙏✌️ thanks a lot

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I'm glad you really like the content, appreciate what I've brought together. Enjoy!!

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It is because of YOU, Elsa, that everything came together! You started this ball rolling.

For me, truly serendipitous, as I'd never have run into the work of Dr. Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson otherwise. I'd have never known what potential we live with, have lived with, hidden from our sight. It's amazing to know about!!

Because of your initiative in bringing all the people together in your Truth Summit, many other people all around the world now have the opportunity to learn about these things! If only we can reclaim this wondrous, God-given energy from the horrendous evil-doers

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I'm so glad to have provided all this information, brought it all together, so glad you appreciate it!

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Dear Richard Gage

With all due respect, you’re full of shit and you know it.

Dr Wood and Andrew Johnson worked alongside James Fetzer (Mr mini nuke) and Steven E. Jones (Mr thermite) under the “Scholars for 9/11 truth” for a while until they figured out that their organisation was NOT seeking truth, but that they have ulterior motives and left the organisation in about 2006 / 2007.

Even James Fetzer was impressed with the work of Dr Wood, as he himself explains the smoking gun evidence in her book, “Where did the towers go?” with this interview in 2007 – but these days he’ll deny it, so my only question I have is who got to him? - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Fetzer---Who-got-to-you:2

Then with regards to Steven E. Jones – Isn’t it strange that he was involved with Los Alamos Labs in the 1980’s while John Hutchison was replicating all his effects of metal transmutations, warping and bending of metals and more, working with Colonel John Alexander, as you can hear what was achieved in 1986, in this video. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Hutchison-Los-Alamos:3

What nefarious background does Steven E. Jones have and how does he tie into the 9/11 truth movement?

As stated earlier, he worked at Los Alamos Labs in the 1980’s but in 1989 Jones was the reason all research into “cold fusion”, more aptly named LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, without ionising radiation) was stifled by means of science vote, ending the careers of Pons and Fleischman. Why did Jones do it, whilst working for the US Department of Energy? Well, because LENR can free us of our dependency of our current energy sources, to a cheap and abundant energy. Jones also makes no secret of his ties to the CIA and thus he is not a true “truth” finder but an agent for the government.

Here he confirms it himself - Video https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Steven-E-Jones-the-government-disinfo-agent:0

Mr Gage – In 2011 you where asked why you banned people off AE911Truth after they email you privately asking why you weren’t discussing the evidence presented by Dr Wood and you putting your foot in your mouth was rather telling, it’s just a pity so few people know about this interaction, so here it is – you might want to rewatch it. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Richard-Gage-AE911Truth-caught-with-his-pants-down:9

Here is another great documentary dissecting exactly what the so called 9/11 “truther” movement is – I suggest everyone watch it. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-Deprogramming-Part-4:d

Andrew Johnson has also written two books (free download) regarding the “truther” movement and his interactions with Fetzer and Jones with everyone who really wants to get to the truth on 9/11 should read. - https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/free-pdf-books/

Not only were you demolished by everyone on Elsa’s panel, but you were outed as the limited hangout you are. Don’t you have a conscience?

In the last few months, you and David Chandler have shown that both of you have no answers when asked about various anomalies that Dr Wood has presented.

Gage and Chandler - video - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/David-Chandler-very-uncomfortable:5

Chandler and Colorado 9/11 truth - Video - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Colorado-911-Truth-Demolished:4

With regards to DEW, it has been in use since the 1940’s and I suggest everyone to read this article and work through the video evidence presented - Article. - https://911revision.substack.com/p/steven-greers-disclosure-and-energy

Then there is no sidestepping the various anomalies at ground zero, which Richard Gage, AE911Truth and all the other so called “truther” talking heads shy away from as discussed in this article. - https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

Mr Gage, you are someone that really needs to make right with God, because you will have to atone to your sins one day and you should really consider coming clean with your muddling up of the truth, whilst enriching yourself and lying about the truth of WHAT happened on 9/11.

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Hi, all, I have sent Elsa this powerful 4-page critical response regarding the discredited theory of the destruction of the World Trade Center by directed energy weapons, but it doesn’t appear that she read it. I hope you will:


Yes, there are directed energy weapons. But there is absolutely no evidence, including in the book by Judy Wood, that the towers were destroyed by it. Read the above paper if you want to understand why I refer to the DEW hypothesis, as “fantasy“.

See this documentary, which includes with 40 experts, that I made at AE911Truth, from beginning to end, for a detailed, factual, accounting of the forensic evidence of high energy, explosives, extreme heat, and nanothermite incendiaries, and how exactly they account for the towers’ destruction. Judy Wood, on page 126 and surrounding pages of her book, specifically denies each of the above points of evidence, even though they are irrefutable and overwhelming. Given that, there is plenty of reason to suspect her intentions. Follow the evidence, not the fantasy:


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Dear Richard Gage

With all due respect, you’re full of shit and you know it.

Dr Wood and Andrew Johnson worked alongside James Fetzer (Mr mini nuke) and Steven E. Jones (Mr thermite) under the “Scholars for 9/11 truth” for a while until they figured out that their organisation was NOT seeking truth, but that they have ulterior motives and left the organisation in about 2006 / 2007.

Even James Fetzer was impressed with the work of Dr Wood, as he himself explains the smoking gun evidence in her book, “Where did the towers go?” with this interview in 2007 – but these days he’ll deny it, so my only question I have is who got to him? - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Fetzer---Who-got-to-you:2

Then with regards to Steven E. Jones – Isn’t it strange that he was involved with Los Alamos Labs in the 1980’s while John Hutchison was replicating all his effects of metal transmutations, warping and bending of metals and more, working with Colonel John Alexander, as you can hear what was achieved in 1986, in this video. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Hutchison-Los-Alamos:3

What nefarious background does Steven E. Jones have and how does he tie into the 9/11 truth movement?

As stated earlier, he worked at Los Alamos Labs in the 1980’s but in 1989 Jones was the reason all research into “cold fusion”, more aptly named LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, without ionising radiation) was stifled by means of science vote, ending the careers of Pons and Fleischman. Why did Jones do it, whilst working for the US Department of Energy? Well, because LENR can free us of our dependency of our current energy sources, to a cheap and abundant energy. Jones also makes no secret of his ties to the CIA and thus he is not a true “truth” finder but an agent for the government.

Here he confirms it himself - Video https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Steven-E-Jones-the-government-disinfo-agent:0

Mr Gage – In 2011 you where asked why you banned people off AE911Truth after they email you privately asking why you weren’t discussing the evidence presented by Dr Wood and you putting your foot in your mouth was rather telling, it’s just a pity so few people know about this interaction, so here it is – you might want to rewatch it. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Richard-Gage-AE911Truth-caught-with-his-pants-down:9

Here is another great documentary dissecting exactly what the so called 9/11 “truther” movement is – I suggest everyone watch it. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-Deprogramming-Part-4:d

Andrew Johnson has also written two books (free download) regarding the “truther” movement and his interactions with Fetzer and Jones with everyone who really wants to get to the truth on 9/11 should read. - https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/free-pdf-books/

Not only were you demolished by everyone on Elsa’s panel, but you were outed as the limited hangout you are. Don’t you have a conscience?

In the last few months, you and David Chandler have shown that both of you have no answers when asked about various anomalies that Dr Wood has presented.

Gage and Chandler - video - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/David-Chandler-very-uncomfortable:5

Chandler and Colorado 9/11 truth - Video - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Colorado-911-Truth-Demolished:4

With regards to DEW, it has been in use since the 1940’s and I suggest everyone to read this article and work through the video evidence presented - Article. - https://911revision.substack.com/p/steven-greers-disclosure-and-energy

Then there is no sidestepping the various anomalies at ground zero, which Richard Gage, AE911Truth and all the other so called “truther” talking heads shy away from as discussed in this article. - https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

Mr Gage, you are someone that really needs to make right with God, because you will have to atone to your sins one day and you should really consider coming clean with your muddling up of the truth, whilst enriching yourself and lying about the truth of WHAT happened on 9/11.

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Thank you for all the detail you present. I consider it crucial for all people to look at all the evidence and come to conclusions from there. I see that if Richard Gage could do this, he could use his talents for truth, but for whatever reason he is not doing this. However, great that you are looking at all the evidence.

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Here is another great documentary dissecting exactly what the so called 9/11 “truther” movement is – I suggest everyone to make time to watch it. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-Deprogramming-Part-4:d

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Deprogramming - so many people need to do that. Some people are brain-numbed totally - as with the scamdemic. Other people somehow open a corner of their minds and changes - deprogramming - start happening.

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I have listened to your position, and to that of Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson. The evidence presented by Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson is overwhelming. I suggest you watch the interview with Reiner Fuellmich. This is not fantasy, as you claim. It is EVIDENCE, FACTS. They are doing exactly what you suggest, presenting evidence. I know that, the more I look at the evidence from Dr Wood and Andrew Johnson, the more I know they are presenting facts, truth.

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Amen to that!

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