Have you talked to Richard Gage instead of about him? Contact me and I'll get you in touch.

Kind regards,

Gene Laratonda



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Refutation of the 9/11 "truther" narratives

A special presentation refuting 10 points of contention against DEW on 9/11

Presentation: https://911revision.substack.com/p/refutation-of-the-911-truther-narratives

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Yes. He seemed very set, Most, this is not my area of expertise. I let the experts speak: Richard on one side; Andrew on the other.

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The video you share is illustrating thermite, not NanoThermite. I can't believe you are willing to hang everything on that. Hear what was actually found in the dust (90 secs): Nanothermite from World Trade Center dust put in a calorimeter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12kxZKibZkM

Then read the uncontested peer-reviewed paper from 2009: Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

Abstract: We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center. Examination of four of these samples, collected from separate sites, is reported in this paper. These red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples. One sample was collected by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later. The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The red material contains grains approximately 100 nm across which are largely iron oxide, while aluminum is contained in tiny plate-like structures. Separation of components using methyl ethyl ketone demonstrated that elemental aluminum is present. The iron oxide and aluminum are intimately mixed in the red material. When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms occurring at approximately 430 ˚C, far below the normal ignition temperature for conventional thermite. Numerous iron-rich spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.

911 Lawyers.org/nanothermite

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Refutation of the 9/11 "truther" narratives

A special presentation refuting 10 points of contention against DEW on 9/11

Presentation: https://911revision.substack.com/p/refutation-of-the-911-truther-narratives

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I have sent your comment to Andrew Johnson. Here is his answer:

I can't believe folks cling to something so obviously wrong! I don't think anyone has ever shown "nanothermite" reacting - perhaps it doesn't even exist! They had to change the story as people were realising thermite can't do it. Besides, as always, what has nanothermite go to do with levitation and... hurricane Erin? It goes to show how supposedly critical thinking people can ignore evidence just like "mainstream" thinkers do!

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Yes, Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley and Bradley R. Larsen submitted paper that was peer-reviewed and has stood uncontested since 2009. That paper can be read as part of 60 exhibits for the controlled demolitions of World Trade Center buildings 1, 2, & 7 at 911Lawyers.org/evidence, specifically at 911Lawyers.org/nanothermite.

Andrew is correct thermite cannot do it, and we're not talking about thermite; we're talking about nanoparticles of aluminum and iron oxide. NanoThermite certainly can do it. I'm not sure what he is talking about with levitation and hurricane Erin or gaslighting others with the critical thinking statement.

To simplify it for you, they put the red/gray nanothermite chips in a calorimeter and recorded an energy spike much higher than known nanothermite they obtained from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (a military lab). When they analyzed the reacted material they found iron microspheres, a result of a highly energetic reaction similar to thermite. Molten iron was formed. Paint chips don't do that. Sorry if I'm repeating myself.

Be aware that there are obfuscators out there trying to discredit essential 9/11 truth.

Thank you again for being kind in responding and please forgive my tone if it came off too strong at any point.

Grace and peace to you,

Gene Laratonda



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Refutation of the 9/11 "truther" narratives

A special presentation refuting 10 points of contention against DEW on 9/11

Presentation: https://911revision.substack.com/p/refutation-of-the-911-truther-narratives

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Thank you for this detailed information.

I will look into it.

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Refutation of the 9/11 "truther" narratives

A special presentation refuting 10 points of contention against DEW on 9/11

Presentation: https://911revision.substack.com/p/refutation-of-the-911-truther-narratives

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Thank you, kindly.

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You are very versed on Judy Woods. Have you seen 9/11 Experts: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out in order to form an educated opinion of the person you're attempting to discredit?

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

2012 1h 30m

Persuasive viewpoints of over 1,700 architects and engineers who believe the unsettling theory that scientific forensic evidence points to explosive controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11, 2001.

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Refutation of the 9/11 "truther" narratives

A special presentation refuting 10 points of contention against DEW on 9/11

Presentation: https://911revision.substack.com/p/refutation-of-the-911-truther-narratives

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To be able to launch a case against the politicians who support the official story, all that is necessary is to demonstrate that the buildings "collapsed" in a totally UNNATURAL manner, that is, I don't care if it was Black Powder, or Photon Torpedoes . . the buildings didn't fall as was alleged by the official story.

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About "all that is necessary": from all I have read, such as Judy Wood's suit, "all that is necessary" is a far less corrupt judiciary and government, so laws are applied, etc.

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Hi Elsa, look forward to your continued work in 2024.

I just want to bring the following under attention with regards to Richard Gage mentioning you and your truth summit. Watch from 2h 36 minutes - https://thoughtcrimesandmisdemeanors.substack.com/p/my-talk-on-the-campaign-to-erase

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I did look - it must have been at another time. Anyway, my thing is to not pay attention to people who are toxic energy drainers. I don't feel like giving someone attention who isn't on a truth path. (Of course no one is perfect.)

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Dear Ms. Elsa, You are absolutely correct that nano-thermite cannot explain all of the anomalous evidence, and its champions don't even try. This is why AE9/11Truth's FAQ "debunking" Dr. Judy Wood's work didn't offer any quotations or images from her book/website that were in error, because then they would be forced into acknowledging such evidence exists AND explaining how NT accomplishes it.

Foreshadowing: So it was Dr. James Fetzer, Dr. Steven Jones, AND Dr. Judy Wood who founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth who didn't get anything done and split up in a faux-spat.

Dr. Fetzer supplements his retirement income by being a clearing house of all things conspiratorial. Among his 9/11 accomplishments is being a champion of pods-on-planes and NPT@WTC.

Dr. Jones did shitty nuclear analysis to steer public thinking away from 9/11 nuclear components, and filled the void with NT.

Dr. Wood collected lots of evidence that 9/11 had nuclear components and camped them under "kooky" umbrellas [e.g., Hutchinson]. She did a shitty job of research into both DEW and nuclear devices.

- Whereas ABL and satillite beams are more than working concepts. The latter DEW has issues with atmospheric optics, frequencies-for-energy transmission, and logistics for getting "energy sources" (e.g., chemicals) into space. The ABL has issues with getting aloft the energy source quantities required for the observed destructive displays of energy. Ergo, framing Woodsian-DEW exclusively as "beams-from-above" becomes a build-in self-discrediting mechanism of the premise. And what about "beams-from-under" or "beams-from-within"?

- Dr. Wood (and Dr. Jones) do not accurate discuss all nuclear weapons, limited themselves to 1st thru 3rd generation nukes -- large blast waves, lots of spread radiation, etc. -- to "debunk ALL nuclear" devices. No mention of neutron bombs, but also decades' long no mention in the press. Why? Because nealy all fourth generation nuclear weapons (FGNW) are descendants from neutron bombs. Dr. Andre Gsponer's work is a major omission from their literature review.

- [wild-ass speculation] Dr. Wood is astute enough to have researched both DEW and "nuclear DEW", but -- owing to the sudden unexplained death of her student and webmaster -- was WARNED-OFF legitimately connecting dots to anything nuclear, except cold fusion dangling innuendo.

I apologize for the cognitive dissonance headaches you might be getting in this moment for your many years of diligently promoting Dr. Wood's work, as an end-station, no less.

Champions of Dr. Wood's work often express as strengths the fact that it connects no dots and draws no conclusions. *snap of the fingers*

<<--That should be a huge clue. If Dr. Wood's work draws no conclusions, then by definition her premise IS NOT AN END-STATION. *snap of the fingers*

Dr. Judy Wood's work is NOT AN END-STATION. [Some hypnotic repetition.]

Somewhere in her book's preface Dr. Wood makes a statement that they put onto a sticker and attached on her book's inside cover. Words to the effect, "look at the evidence and not what people are saying."

I champion her work too, but only the nuggets of truth. Loved the awesome collection of images correlated to map positions! 500 full color images!

Be calm, because this void now created in your understanding will be filled... with the next-level from Dr. Wood's work; where she wanted to take it but couldn't; one or two stations down the rabbit-hole towards Truth.

FGNW are technically in the category of DEW, have a nuclear power sources more than sufficient to meet the massive energy requires of the observed targeted dustification of things, give us beams-from-within.

Hint: Follow the white-rabbit of Truth hopping from my substack to my blog in order to have a version with working references.


SPOILER: Reference 22 in my article "9/11 FGNW Exotic Nuclear Weapons" is an Easter Egg for Dr. Wood. The reference notes toggle for other treasures, some from Dr. Wood even. (Javascript enabled that Substack doesn't support).

Commenting on substack is better than on blogspot.


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I need to read this again. This is your home ground, I see.

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Dear Ms. Elsa, I applaud you on approaching 9/11 with an open-mind. I understand how you might feel out of your field in terms of evaluating some claims. It is made worse by the purposeful disinformation by agents with agendas.

Whereas I have been called an agent doing just that, if it were true, I'm a very bad one. Agents don't have any more (online) legacy than they need to give a shine to their personas' realness in order to promote their distracting premises.

Drip-by-drip, comment-by-comment, I saved my work. And my sincere efforts save me, because I'm not the one exposed as playing games when the record of the exchange persists (under forums I control) while the original forum is disappeared, as a last resort to stop the watering of my seeds.

If my seeds get any watering in the minds of the public, the figurative nuclear fallout to governments, institutions, agencies, media corporations, and individuals would/could/should be figuratively lethal to careers and reputations. That's not really an agent agenda even were I foreign, because the figurative nuclear fallout of 9/11 can blow to other many countries -- like for knowing the US government lied but for going along with the war plans anyway.

I would offer to be your 9/11 advisor, because I'm well versed on the lore and have a huge Venn diagram overlap with most of the 9/11 Truth Movement...

Except that my list of anti-fans seems to be growing, although true human numbers are hard to guage in light of sockpuppets and ChatGPT. You know you are close to the target when you start getting flak.

They would not like me to offer advice to you on anything, because my 9/11 hobby-horse of FGNW exotic nuclear weapons puts me really out of step not just with the consensus 9/11 TM, but also with the very core movers-and-shakers of the same. But such is my evolution in thought following the Truth.

9/11 is so "last decade", and maybe it shouldn't still be "a thing" for me and the Movement to be obsessing about. Alas, COVID has its parallelism with it; so does what Israel is doing. These data points define the hidden trend line, and extrapolation shows the direction things are going.

"Black Hole Treatment" is something I'm going to write about.

At any rate, I am a known, consistent commodity, even if considered "OCD bat-shit crazy." [My spirit guides have directed me to embrace the insults, because it both disarms the slur from hurting me while backfiring on those whose lack of substantiating arguments has them instigating flame-wars instead.]

P.S. Answering at a "higher" comment level, because the Substack level of commenting can become annoying when trying to further a good discussion.


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Dear Ms. Elsa, I'd tell you about myself, but you'll get a kick out of the "About the Author" Easter Eggs once you get to my blog.

Yes, I'm now old enough to withdrawal money from my IRA retirement funds without the 10% penalty, just normal tax rates. White, late middle-aged, male. But liberal AF.

I do not normally recommend that others go reading my blog, front-to-back, A-to-Z... such a repetitive bore it has become even for me. But if you go skimming around, you'll see that I've been around the 9/11 block too many times and seem to be the lone nut on my FGNW hobby-horse for quite some time, or so it would seem from the black-hole treatment I get, as I diligently shop it around to various forums to have it legitimately debunked so I can publicly apologize and return to the fold of consensus 9/11 Truth group-think.

Let me tell you, my FGNW hobby-horse kicks ass without really even trying.

At any rate, I was at one point duped by Dr. Wood's book until my second pass. Reference note 22 is a summation of how her work is legitimately "debunked". She's not an end-station, so her collection of evidence goes to the premise that gets us closer to the end-station and has an explanation for that evidence, which FGNW does. I love rescuing nuggets of truth from the maws of disinformation campaigns, and it annoys their agents when re-purposed into more appropriate theories.


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I'm a truth lover, which it seems you are too. With the whole 9/11 thing, I'm out of my field utterly, in terms of evaluating some claims - but others do a lot for me. My thing: I let the various people comment on what the others have written - as you are commenting on what Judy Wood claims. Also of course, as you say, don't throw out everything someone says because parts are not accurate.

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Elsa - He's a professional disinformation peddler and goes after anyone who is pro-Dr Wood. I have dealt with him on numerous platforms...

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Arthur Conan Doyle — ‘Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” - Sherlock Homes’

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The best all round documentary on 911 referencing Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson's work, IMO:-


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Thanks Elsa. The Classic two sided to every story!

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Refutation of the 9/11 "truther" narratives

A special presentation refuting 10 points of contention against DEW on 9/11

Presentation: https://911revision.substack.com/p/refutation-of-the-911-truther-narratives

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But in the end, all the evidence is for one side. Judy Wood shows, definitively, that she has the facts and what is claimed by the other side does not go with the facts.

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Well done Elsa, for bringing us the authentic word of Dr Wood on this subject. She is quite obviously sickened by the ongoing deception and dishonesty of Mr Gage, who continues to debase himself in an effort to discredit her work. In a video shared here earlier by '9/11 Revisionist', John Lash has a telling comment to make during his interview with Dr Wood. He asks 'why is the Truth Movement so afraid' of her work, and surmises that the problem is not with individual truth seekers, but rather with the 'designated leaders' of the Truth Movement - "they are the ones who are very much afraid"...."they cannot in a fair argument refute the evidence." "The designated leaders Gage and Jones and those who have clustered round them, have been hideously duped". John Lash says that the evidence clearly refutes Thermite theory, and that either the 'leaders' have been 'pure dupes' caught up in the psyop of 9/11, or they are 'accomplices and accessories to the psyop - they must be one or the other.'

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Please work your way through this article with video illustrations and testimonies that you might interesting.


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I see why you lean towards Dr. Wood's partial explanation. I agree. It makes more sense than any competing theories. I have little doubt that the 'truther' community has been infiltrated for purposes of misdirection BTW. Same for the health freedom movement. What rings hollow about various thermite explanations includes the surprising lack of mass of the fallen debris. The 'echoy' video recorded in the basement speaks volumes. Indeed, to any objective person, the falling cloud much more resembles dust than large chunks of debris. In my mind, directed energy weapons seem a far more rational explanation of what actually happened. Thanks for a very interesting post.

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Please work your way through this article with video illustrations and testimonies that you might interesting.


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Thank You for posting Dr Judy Wood's response! Well done!

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The controlled demolition of thermite being used on the Towers during the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-controlled-demolition-of-thermite?sd=pf

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Dear Gail Gage

I don't know what Richard has told you about 9/11 and I wonder if you really know the history of the 9/11 "truther" movement and the various talking heads over the years. I'll give you a short history lesson on that then and I sincerely hope you'll do some looking into the various points I lay down here, so that you might be able to open your eyes.

Dr Wood and Andrew Johnson worked alongside James Fetzer (Mr mini nuke) and Steven E. Jones (Mr thermite) under the “Scholars for 9/11 truth” for a while until they figured out that their organisation was NOT seeking truth, but that they have ulterior motives and left the organisation in about 2006 / 2007.

Even James Fetzer was impressed with the work of Dr Wood, as he himself explains the smoking gun evidence in her book, “Where did the towers go?” with this interview in 2007 – but these days he’ll deny it, so my only question I have is who got to him? - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Fetzer---Who-got-to-you:2

Then with regards to Steven E. Jones – Isn’t it strange that he was involved with Los Alamos Labs in the 1980’s while John Hutchison was replicating all his effects of metal transmutations, warping and bending of metals and more, working with Colonel John Alexander, as you can hear what was achieved in 1986, in this video. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/11-a.-Hutchison-and-Directed-energy:1

What nefarious background does Steven E. Jones have and how does he tie into the 9/11 truth movement?

As stated earlier, he worked at Los Alamos Labs in the 1980’s but in 1989 Jones was the reason all research into “cold fusion”, more aptly named LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, without ionising radiation) was stifled by means of science vote, ending the careers of Pons and Fleischman. Why did Jones do it, whilst working for the US Department of Energy? Well, because LENR can free us of our dependency of our current energy sources, to a cheap and abundant energy. Jones also makes no secret of his ties to the CIA and thus he is not a true “truth” finder but an agent for the government.

Here he confirms it himself - Video https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Steven-E-Jones-the-government-disinfo-agent:0

In 2011 Richard Gage was asked why he banned people off AE911Truth after they emailed him privately asking why he wasn't discussing the evidence presented by Dr Wood and him putting his foot in his mouth was rather telling, it’s just a pity so few people know about this interaction, so here it is – you might want to rewatch it. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Richard-Gage-AE911Truth-caught-with-his-pants-down:9

Here is another great documentary dissecting exactly what the so called 9/11 “truther” movement is – I suggest everyone watch it. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-Deprogramming-Part-4:d

Andrew Johnson has also written two books (free download) regarding the “truther” movement and his interactions with Fetzer and Jones with everyone who really wants to get to the truth on 9/11 should read. - https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/free-pdf-books/

Not only did he get demolished by everyone on Elsa’s panel, but he was outed as the limited hangout he is. Don’t he not have a conscience?

In the last few months, Richard and David Chandler have shown that both of them have no answers when asked about various anomalies that Dr Wood has presents in her book.

Gage and Chandler - video - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/David-Chandler-very-uncomfortable:5

Chandler and Colorado 9/11 truth - Video - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Colorado-911-Truth-Demolished:4

With regards to DEW, it has been in use since the 1940’s and I suggest everyone to read this article and work through the video evidence presented - Article. - https://911revision.substack.com/p/steven-greers-disclosure-and-energy

Then there is no sidestepping the various anomalies at ground zero, which Richard Gage, AE911Truth and all the other so called “truther” talking heads shy away from as discussed in this article. - https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

Mrs Gage, I sincerely hope you look into what I shared with you here.

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I live in Chelsea, Manhattan and when 9/11 happened I knew it was false flag OP because the air force did not scramble to stop it which is what they are supposed to do. The Powers That Should Not Be wanted to sacrifice thousands of innocent lives on that day to further their evil agenda of global domination just as they think nothing of global genocide of 90% of the world's population with total slavery for the survivors now.

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Please work your way through this article with video illustrations and testimonies that you might interesting.


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All you have to do in order to get past the hyperbole in Elsa ‘s comments is to simply watch this one hour video on the explosive destruction of the World Trade Center. There’s no question. Just watch and learn from 40 high-rise Architects, Structural Engineer’s, metallurgists, physics experts, chemical engineers, and explosives experts. You don’t have to believe anyone, or put up with the nonsense that’s being hurled around on this platform. Just watch the evidence:

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out


There’s a very good reason that 3600 Architects & Engineers Avenue sign the petition demanding a new investigation – and it’s not based on disproven theories for the WTC destruction - such as DEW that we expose here:


And more at https://richardgage911.org

And here: https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/evidence-overview

Don’t believe anyone. Do your own research.

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Refutation of the 9/11 "truther" narratives

A special presentation refuting 10 points of contention against DEW on 9/11

Presentation: https://911revision.substack.com/p/refutation-of-the-911-truther-narratives

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The controlled demolition of thermite being used on the Towers during the September 11, 2001 attacks.


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Dear Gail Gage

I don't know what Richard has told you about 9/11 and I wonder if you really know the history of the 9/11 "truther" movement and the various talking heads over the years. I'll give you a short history lesson on that then and I sincerely hope you'll do some looking into the various points I lay down here, so that you might be able to open your eyes.

Dr Wood and Andrew Johnson worked alongside James Fetzer (Mr mini nuke) and Steven E. Jones (Mr thermite) under the “Scholars for 9/11 truth” for a while until they figured out that their organisation was NOT seeking truth, but that they have ulterior motives and left the organisation in about 2006 / 2007.

Even James Fetzer was impressed with the work of Dr Wood, as he himself explains the smoking gun evidence in her book, “Where did the towers go?” with this interview in 2007 – but these days he’ll deny it, so my only question I have is who got to him? - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Fetzer---Who-got-to-you:2

Then with regards to Steven E. Jones – Isn’t it strange that he was involved with Los Alamos Labs in the 1980’s while John Hutchison was replicating all his effects of metal transmutations, warping and bending of metals and more, working with Colonel John Alexander, as you can hear what was achieved in 1986, in this video. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/11-a.-Hutchison-and-Directed-energy:1

What nefarious background does Steven E. Jones have and how does he tie into the 9/11 truth movement?

As stated earlier, he worked at Los Alamos Labs in the 1980’s but in 1989 Jones was the reason all research into “cold fusion”, more aptly named LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, without ionising radiation) was stifled by means of science vote, ending the careers of Pons and Fleischman. Why did Jones do it, whilst working for the US Department of Energy? Well, because LENR can free us of our dependency of our current energy sources, to a cheap and abundant energy. Jones also makes no secret of his ties to the CIA and thus he is not a true “truth” finder but an agent for the government.

Here he confirms it himself - Video https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Steven-E-Jones-the-government-disinfo-agent:0

In 2011 Richard Gage was asked why he banned people off AE911Truth after they emailed him privately asking why he wasn't discussing the evidence presented by Dr Wood and him putting his foot in his mouth was rather telling, it’s just a pity so few people know about this interaction, so here it is – you might want to rewatch it. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Richard-Gage-AE911Truth-caught-with-his-pants-down:9

Here is another great documentary dissecting exactly what the so called 9/11 “truther” movement is – I suggest everyone watch it. - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-Deprogramming-Part-4:d

Andrew Johnson has also written two books (free download) regarding the “truther” movement and his interactions with Fetzer and Jones with everyone who really wants to get to the truth on 9/11 should read. - https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/free-pdf-books/

Not only did he get demolished by everyone on Elsa’s panel, but he was outed as the limited hangout he is. Don’t he not have a conscience?

In the last few months, Richard and David Chandler have shown that both of them have no answers when asked about various anomalies that Dr Wood has presents in her book.

Gage and Chandler - video - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/David-Chandler-very-uncomfortable:5

Chandler and Colorado 9/11 truth - Video - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Colorado-911-Truth-Demolished:4

With regards to DEW, it has been in use since the 1940’s and I suggest everyone to read this article and work through the video evidence presented - Article. - https://911revision.substack.com/p/steven-greers-disclosure-and-energy

Then there is no sidestepping the various anomalies at ground zero, which Richard Gage, AE911Truth and all the other so called “truther” talking heads shy away from as discussed in this article. - https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

Mrs Gage, I sincerely hope you look into what I shared with you here.

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Thank you for these links and details. For me, Dr Judy Wood's answer completes my exploration of what happened to the Twin Towers. Her explanation is very thorough, very fact-based, very analytical. You clearly know masses and masses as well. My sense: good for all of us to turn our attention to the questions that come from the answer to, where did the win Towers go? Those questions include: how many other scams (including the scamdemic) have been foisted on the public? and what about the free energy technology - what about masses more information on this?

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Free Energy - The Race To Zero Point


In this award-winning, feature length, two-hour broadcast-quality documentary you will learn about the latest developments in the field of Free and Zero Point Energy from Tesla to Dennis Lee.

Hosted by Bill Jenkins, formerly of ABC Radio, this comprehensive documentary features physicists and inventors who are challenging orthodox science to bring this non-polluting technology forward despite ridicule and suppression.

See actual working prototypes that defy classical physics including phenomenal experiments in anti-gravity and the transmutation of metals.

• Aurora Gold Award Winner

• Profit Producers' Award Winner

• Telly Award Winner

Nominated for the UN Sasakawa Environmental Award

This is the ultimate environmental film! It offers real solutions.

With the end of fossil fuels in sight, the race to save the planet is on.

From Nicola Tesla to cold fusion, magnetic motors to anti-gravity propulsion ¬ this program presents powerful information!

Visionary Inventors and Scientists Reveal Non-Polluting Technologies That Will Change Our World

A ground breaking and inspiring look at the leading theories and practical devices that tap into "zero-point energy" - now acknowledged by physicists to exist in all space as a "running river" of infinite and accessible electromagnetic energy.

Explore the latest Free Energy breakthroughs, including:

~ Technologies based on working with nature instead of against it.

~ Radical inventions that emit hydrogen and oxygen as by-products.

~Transmutation processes that neutralize radioactive waste.

~ Electric vehicles with magnetic motors that recharge their own batteries.


The Patterson cold fusion power cell

~ Troy Reed's magnetic "Surge" motors

~ Paul Pantone's GEET processor for increasing fuel efficiency in cars

~ Joseph Newman's rotating magnet "over unity" motor

~ Dennis Lee's Low temperature phase-change technologies

~ John Hutchison's amazing anti-gravity experiments

~ Along with internationally recognized scientists and authors: Tom Bearden ~ Hal Fox ~ Shiuji Inomita Moray King ~ Eugene Mallove ~ Jeanne Manning Brian O'Leary & Tom Valone.

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Jul 11, 2023
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Please work your way through this article with video illustrations and testimonies that you might interesting.


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