There is a way to tap our ancestors simple joy, start by planting a garden.

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Yes, vital to find ways to tap into simple joy. And you're right, gardening is such a way for many people, like for you. I've tried. It's not for me. But I have many ways, like walking in wide open fields. Like right now, looking out my window at the wide open winter landscape. I can think of so many ways.

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There are many ways to garden, some more wild in nature, more for nature with impromptu human harvests, always variable and exciting, than is otherwise always envisioned. The best part of gardening is the planning. In permaculture there is this seemingly impossible idea of thinking for a hundred hours for every hour of work. Think about the benefits of that would ya!

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What I see: gardening stirs you, moves you. You love it. As for me, many people garden around me. I love their gardening, their gardens. So much is available for me. It works all around. I'm happy to pay. They want people happy to buy some of the fruit of their work. Happiness all around.

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You are a dancer!

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I love dancing.

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A most graceful word dancer it appears to me!

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The whole world is trying hard and hard to achieve happiness and ultimate satisfaction. The criteria of happiness varies asper where you are borne, which religion you follow, the country where you are living. Some religion teach to fight and win the people of other religion. To convert them by force or bribes. If they don't accept the winner's religion then kill them loot the women, money etc. It's the saying of old testament. Which is mostly followed by Islam even today in 21st century. Christians are also trying to spread Christianity by the other ways not cruelly as Islam.

The only way to get ultimate satisfaction is to live and let the others live. Don't kill animals to feed yourself. Love all not only human beings but also all animals. Love, everything existing in the universe. The soil, jungles, Waters, stones,. Etc.

But, one warning here, we must have a complete fully explanatory definition of human being. To whom we can call humans, is a big question. All two legged humans can't be real humans. We have many many two legged (human ) demons putting the whole world under terrorism.

And we must not help them by mind and financially. IMF must not provide financial help to any terrorist country.

This will bring peace and satisfaction to all. 🙏🙏🌹

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I agree: a complex situation because, as you say: We have many many two legged (human ) demons putting the whole world under terrorism. Lots to do.

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For me at 70yrs old. Waking up alive in the morning is a profound blessing! I give thanks & am grateful.

I'm no expert at all. But. You may try to simplify life, by taking it into smaller moments. Giving thanks for the good moments is good. Bad or not so good moments? Just know they're there to show us the good & great moments!

Looking for the big plan is futile. Other people's dreams, ambitions & achievements aren't ours.

Take care, stay safe. HUG YOURSELF Every day!

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Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022Liked by Elsa

Sounds like swimming is your 'happy place'. One of my most magical memories is being in a heated outdoor swimming-pool in the evening, with stars above me and the mist from the warm water rising upwards. Or the beauty of sunlight through the water. Or ponds of beautiful koi carp. Trickling streams. Waterfalls. The beach.

You mention CAF and David Martin. Do you have particular videos / interviews with them that you would recommend? I find it hard to locate good videos of them sometimes. CAF is often interviewed, imo, by people who are not seeing the big picture she is seeing, which I find frustrating. CAF is endlessly gracious and patient but she really comes into her own when she's able to talk with people on her wavelength, it seems to me.

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I love the moments you describe. You've just brought to mind being on Big Sur - a couple of decades ago - in a hot tub toward evening overlooking the Pacific. And another time, driving from LA to San Francisco, maybe 3 or 4 years ago - early morning, going down to the beach to see . . . I think it's elephant seals (not sure of the name) and then having breakfast at a little place with green all around.

Interviews - I have a number. I will be sending about CAF in a couple of days - Wed, I believe. Yes, she is unendingly gracious, calming (to me), knowledgeable.

In the meantime, David Martin. These are a few from last year, where I noted the links:





Nov 6 - David Martin - only 2 more nice guy talks, when they are murdering 5 year olds.

Nov 7 - Dr. David Martin - Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid

Excellent: Exposing the names behind the COVID war on humanity


and more from David Martin:


go to elected officials - take action!!

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