"He just hadn’t questioned the boundaries he lived within." -> the importance of being aware of the size of the box we are in and the space available outside of this box.

Thanks for spending the time to write this article Elsa. I have also thought about responsibility. The first responsibility we have is towards ourselves. I am responsible for myself. Now, if someone is actively hurting or trying to hurt People around me then what kind of responsibility to I have? Let's imagine you know it and you do nothing. I think the responsibility we have to ourselves is to act according to our value. If I value truth, if I value human life then I have a responsibility towards myself to support these values or principles. If I do not do so I fail myself. Ok, so what? Then I think it is about calling People's value... do you value human life? Do you value unity? Do you have respect? I would call these values first. If they exist in someone then they could be a driver to get her or him to act. Now, if they don't I would leverage People's greed and egoism meaning that I would explain them the upcoming cost on themselves of not acting as they will be negatively impacted as well. My 2 cents

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