I’m trying to clear the worst mess from the stove. The messiest pot is definitely the one with everything in it about the USS Liberty. Phil Tourney’s first-hand account. Candace Owens’ far-fetched fact-claims. Larry Bowen's first hand account. Stew Peters' diversion of attention away from a key fact.
A couple of weeks ago, I started with and initially accepted everything in Candace Owens’ interview with Phil Tourney. Then dozens of comments came in, many from an extra ardent fact digger. And then I got more information, including a piece of key information mentioned by Larry Bowen, a survivor interviewed by Stew Peters. I learned that fact only a couple of days ago.
I fish it out of the pot, put it on a tray beside the pot.
I’m standing looking down at the messy pot and the tray.
I don’t feel like doing this, this cleaning of the mess. I’ve solved things to my satisfaction. I’m ready to move on. That’s what I’m saying to myself, anyway.
On the other hand, I hate leaving things unfinished. And I very much hate not passing on what I have learned.
Still, for whatever reason, putting things into a timeline, laying clear what the facts indicate, feels tedious. Boring.
Woah! I say to myself. (Woah - what one calls to a horse which is not listening. Stop!)
How will we ever stop the Predators if I won’t even get the facts out where I can?
Okay, I say to myself.
And with that, I make the commitment to doing what I know needs doing, drawing on facts and logic to get to what most likely happened.
I don’t do the work right away. But I come back to it quite soon.
I have a first go at it. It takes hours. Things don’t flow naturally. A mess.
I start over.
Finally I’m satisfied with the result. Like often, I sleep on it.
In the morning - this morning - I know I need to go further. There is a response from Stew Peters that I need to address - his response to the key fact from Larry Bowen, a response that indicates Stew is not on the side of truth, rather that he is intent on pulling our attention away from the fact. Stew - who so much likes to portray himself as a truth warrior. Maybe he is about some things. Not in this case.
So I can’t send out my piece yet, have more to do.
I will be doing it.
I had a thought about Frodo and me. Frodo had the old wizard and his two young friends and assorted beings he met along the way. I have you - my readers - as well as assorted people with blogs and podcasts, some who are truth seekers, and some who claim to be but have a different agenda.
To be continued . . .
Posted December 30, 2024