Renowned defence lawyer, Christoff Miseré, files criminal charges against the presiding judge in the causa Dr. Reiner Füllmich
Now that is a pleasant surprise!!
Christoff Miseré: "Justice must not give way to injustice!"
Here is the address to write to Reiner:
JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf
postcards and cards allowed,
no glitter on the envelops,
no stamps or money in the envelops,
no books or other objects - not permitted,
nothing to be mentioned about the case - though now, according to the latest information, his mail is no longer scanned,
put your name of each page of the letter, just in case - though at present letters are no longer taken out of the envelops.
To donate, here is the link for donations for legal and other expenses:
Monday, June 10, 2024, 9:15 am
Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 9:15 am - cancelled due to KW’s illness
Thursday, June 20, 2024, 9:15 am
Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 9:15 am
Friday, July 12, 2024, 9:15 am (half day)
Previous trial days from 31.01.2024 to 17.05.2024.
(15 trial days from 31.01.2024 to 17.05.2024):
Day 01 Wednesday 31.01.2024
02nd day Friday 02.02.2024
Day 03 Wednesday 07.02.2024
04th day Tuesday 27.02.2024 instead of Wednesday 14.02.2024
05th day Friday 01.03.2024 instead of Tuesday 20.02.2024
06th day Tuesday 05.03.2024 instead of Friday 23.02.2024
07th day Friday 08.03.2024
08th day Tuesday 12.03.2024
09th day Tuesday 02.04.2024
10th day Wednesday 03.03.2024
11th day Friday 19.03.2024
12th day Wednesday 24.03.2024
13th day Friday 03.05.2024
14th day Tuesday 07.03.2024
15th day Friday 17.05.2024
6 trial days on a Friday = half a trial day until noon
4 trial days on a Wednesday
5 trial days on a Tuesday
Posted June 19, 2024